Chapter 17: Second Chance

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 There was a buzzing in your ears and the feeling of your body being jostled around. You could still send the dull pain in your side and the throbbing in your head, but you couldn't move your body. Though you could send the pain, the rest of you felt numb to everything. You could see the flicker of lights through your eyelids, but your eyes wouldn't open no matter how hard you tried. They felt heavier than ever.

 My body feels heavy... What happened..?

Memories flashed through your mind like a carrousel, but instead of the flashing colorful lights, you were met with black, grey and white images that nearly blended together. There was a man that you recalled with a face mask and cold eyes that was holding a gun to the cashier.

 Right... He was robbing the store... His quirk... It was cloning, right?

 A bright white light blinded you so suddenly as a force pushed you forward through the light. Your body started to feel weightless as your thrusted forward at a lightning speed, your eyes adjusting to the endless blank state you were racing through. Where were you going?

 "Please... Don't go, Y/N..." A voice echoed around you. Almost as quickly as it started, the forced came to an abrupt halt from pushing you as you peered back to where you were leaving and noticed a dark speck in the distance. You thought for a moment that was where you heard your name being called from. A voice you knew, but couldn't quite place. "Y/N..."

 I remember... The voice belongs to him... The voice belongs to someone I love so deeply... I don't want to leave yet... I can't... There's still so much I want us to do together...

 You felt the force fade away from behind you as you fell back into the darkness you were taken from, the blinding light gradually moving away from you.



 A soft beeping startled your consciousness, jumpstarting your nerves. Your muscles hurt with the slightest of movements and your lungs ached as you took a deep breath in. Your heart thumped lightly in your chest as your eyes fluttered open, taking in the view of a hospital room. It took you a few seconds for your eyes to adjust to the dim lighting of the hospital lights, but you were grateful to finally see past your eyelids. It was rather large of a room with a lounging around across from your bed. You've never seen such a large suite before in a hospital until you realized why. Occupying the furniture and even a scattered amongst the floor were your classmates, all asleep beside one another. The girls huddled together around the couch, Izuku and Uraraka cuddled on one of the chairs. You even noticed Kirishima and Bakugou sleeping side by side one another, but it didn't appear the same was as what Denki and Shinso had on Christmas. Most importantly, you saw the man you heard resting his head on the bed beside you, his eyes shut and snoring softly. You looked across from him and saw Eri asleep beside you on the bed, her small body barely taking up any room at all. You reached out and combed your fingers through her hair slowly, stirring her awake. There was soft mumbling coming from her as she sat up slowly, looking around the room tiredly before peering over to you. Her hair was a mess and partially covered her face, but her horn still stood out from it. It appeared to have returned back to normal.

 "Hm? Onee..." Her eyes widened and brimmed with tears, "ONEE-CHAN!" Her cry out woke up everyone else in the room. Aizawa sat up immediately, looking up at you as he gets to his feet. His hand caressed your cheek lightly.

 "You're awake..." He let out a sigh, nearly collapsing to his knees had he not leaned against the bed for support, "You scared me..." You smiled weakly at him as you adjusted your position to sit up slightly even though your body screamed and protested against it.

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