Chapter 3: Breaking Boundaries

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 It had been a month since your days at the training camp. Though your body ached from the constant beating you gave it, you felt stronger both physically and mentally. Emotionally on the other hand was a different story. Your kiss with Aizawa replayed in your mind whenever you saw him, which made learning a bit more difficult. He continued on with his teachings as if it had never happened between you two, or maybe he's playing it down. Aside from quick responses to his questions in class, you avoided everything else for the time being.

 You gazed out the window as class was wrapping up for the day, watching the autumn leaves gracefully fall when you hear his voice at the front of the class. It took more willpower than you imagined to keep your attention away from him, but you couldn't calm the beating in your chest.

 "That's it for today. Try not to get into too much trouble this weekend." Aizawa said as he cleared up the white board. You let out a breath in relief as you rise out of your chair in time for Mina to walk over to you.

 "Hey girl, are you doing anything tomorrow?" she asked you as you put your textbook away.

 "No plans, what's up?" you ask as a few of the other girls walked over to join you both.

 "Everyone's going to the Haunted House tomorrow. We'd love it if you came along." Yaoyorozu says  as you all head out together.

 "A Haunted House? I haven't been to one of those in forever. I'm down." you smile, getting excited about the idea and finally moving past the kiss. As you all left to head back toward the dorms, the boys were following close behind.

 "Kaminari, come here for a moment." Aizawa called out to him from his desk. Denki freezes before turning back and heads over to him.

 "Sure, what's up Mr. Aizawa?" he asked as he sat on the desk in front of the desk as everyone left without him.

 "Sorry to ask you this on short notice, but can you watch Eri tomorrow? Midoriya appears to have plans already, and Mirio has office work to handle this weekend." Aizawa asked as he leaned against the desk. Denki tilts his head.

 "That's probably because Midoriya is hanging with us tomorrow. Shinso can't watch her either?" Denki asked him, but Aizawa was already shaking his head.

 "Afraid not. He's tied up with homework himself." he said.

 "Totally!" Denki says excitedly, "It's been awhile since we've seen Eri. She can hang with the gang tomorrow." he smiles at Aizawa who sighed in relief.

 "Well, if you have everyone there, I shouldn't be too worried about it then." Aizawa said as he moved around his desk again and started to pack up his things. Denki hopped off his desk and zipped up his hoodie.

 "No prob at all. I think the girls are getting Y/N to tag along. I know Eri will like her." he pulls out his headphones from his backpack and let's it sit around his neck while he searches for music on his phone. Aizawa stopped for a second, glancing back over to Denki as he started humming to himself.

 "Y/N is going?" he asked him as he started heading for the door.

 "Pretty sure she will be. It's not like Mina can really take no for an answer." he throws his hand up in a small wave, "I'll pick her up in the morning." he calls back before leaving the room. Aizawa looks after him before dropping his gaze to his desk as the kiss crossed his mind.

 I wonder if she's still mad at me about what happened that day...


 The following morning, everyone gathered together in the small courtyard outside. You were surprised with the rather large group that met up, but felt excited all the same. Your ears twitch when you hear the familiar chatter of Denki approaching, but take notice of a small girl walking alongside of him.

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