Chapter 13: Confession

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 You feel arms wrap around you from behind, crushing you against a hard chest as you screamed out for your mother. You could see the faint sight of black hair beside your head, but your main focus was on the room. Even as you screamed and cried, your mother's hand didn't move at all. It got to the point that one of the nurse's closed the door to cut you off entirely.

 "Y/N, it's okay. I'm here now. It's okay." Aizawa's voice was in your ear, but it was as if he couldn't reach you. You clawed his hands and arms, trying to break free from his strong hold while trying to reach for the door. Your throat started to hurt from the constant screaming as Aizawa held onto you tightly. By the time your screams became barely audible sobs, your throat was raw. He leaned his back against the wall, slipping to the ground with you between his legs and still crying.

 "She tried to get better... She tried to get better for me..." You hiccuped between sobs , "I could've done something... Anything..." You cried loudly, grabbing his arms finally and hugging him back tightly.

 "It's going to be hard. There's nothing you can do, Y/N." He looks up at the closed door, "But now she can finally be at peace because she was able to see you one last time." He rested his head against yours.

 "Why does everyone in my life end up leaving me? First my dad... Now my mom..." You place your face in your hands. He tightens his hold on you.

 "Life is cruel that way, but it can also be a blessing." He reaches up and lifts your face from your hands so you look up at him, "I'm still here and I won't ever leave you until you say so." He looks into your eyes as he says those words, your eyes trembling as you were unable to look away from his gaze.

 You sniffle lightly, "Shota..."

 "I care about you deeply, Y/N." He said, "I realized that tonight when Ryuu took you from me. When the tracker stopped working all together, I thought I had lost you for good and it hurt me."

 You're eyes widened slightly at his words, "Shota..?" His hand cups your face, brushing the tears away with his thumb. Your heart pounded in your chest as his face lowered closer to yours.

 "I love you, Y/N..." he admitted before closing the distance the rest of the way and kissing you ever so gently that left your head dizzy, but his embrace continued to crush you against him. His words were unexpected, leaving you with little to no reaction time before the kiss. Your chest tightened up so much you thought your heart would burst through it any second now. You could feel the love on his lips, the warmth and security in his arms and the comfort of his heart beating against your ear. He pulled his lips away slowly, caressing your cheek before placing a finger on your lips to prevent you from speaking. "You don't need to respond. You've been through enough already tonight. Let's get you home." You slowly nod, his finger removed from your lips as he helps you to your feet.

 "Shota?" You spoke his name finally, "Thank you." You said. He gazes down at you, his hand seeking out yours and brings it to his lips.

 "There's no need to thank me. Come on, let's get you changed and home." He leads you by hand back to the waiting area.

 "Home..." You smile lightly at the word, thinking of all your friends that were waiting for you. "So, that's what a home is. I guess it's not so bad after all."


 It had settled down for awhile after that. Hawks had invited a hero from overseas that had a quirk that made their targets admit truths. It was the only way to get Ryuu to spill on the other location of the missing girls and their buyers. His profile was immediately shut down on the dark web, and any politician that was caught red handed on sight was stripped of their titles and sent off to prison. The girls in the basement, along with the girls that were eventually found after being bought were reunited with their families or placed in homes for recovery.

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