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Hello!! Thank you so much for giving my story a try. Hope you like it.

Few terms and their meanings are explained below for the readers who are reading a werewolf book for the first time.

Werewolf: Shifter. A human that can shape shift into a wolf. They can change anytime at their own will except the time when the wolf takes over due to extreme situation (anger or danger).

They have heightened senses. They are faster than humans and heal at a faster rate.

Wolf's presence is always there at the back of human's mind even if they aren't shifted. Wolves can only talk with others when they are shifted but they can talk with their human whenever they want.

Pack: A group of wolves/ a community that stays under a common leader.

Alpha: Leader. A father figure to the pack. He is the strongest person amd most important person. No pack member can refuse if he uses his Alpha command.

Luna: Leader. Alpha's soulmate. A mother figure to the pack.

Beta: Second in command. He is the second most important and second strongest person of the pack.

Gamma: Third in command.

Omega: The people with weakest wolf.

Mate: Soulmates. Mates are predestined for werewolves. They come to know about their mates by their unique scent and feel tingles when touched.

Pup: child

Moon Goddess: Werewolves worship the Moon. Like humans believe in God, werewolves believe in Moon Goddess.

Pack house: A huge mansion where the families of Alpha, Beta, Gamma live along with many guests room, gaming rooms, and many other facilities for all the pack members to use.

Mind link: It's like a phone call, without a phone. They talk through their minds. Mind linking is not possible if they are too far away.

Rogues: Feral wolves. They are the criminals who are thrown out of the packs or the children who are born to the rogues. (In rare cases, werewolves are turned rogues wrongly by cruel Alphas)

Let me know if I forgot some terms, I will add them immediately.


Conversations written in Italics means that their wolves are talking.

Underlined conversations means they are mind-linking.


This book is fictional. Resemblance to any character, place, or idea is purely coincidental.

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