82- Pace of Relationship

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Nihal's eyes fluttered as the sunlight irritated him. He groaned before covering his eyes with the palm of his hand. He wiggled a little to get comfortable and was about to sleep again, when his eyes fell on the person beside him. He sat up with a loud shriek, clutching his heaving chest as he stared at Yara with wide eyes who had woken up because of his high pitched sound.

She sat up nervously, fumbling with her fingers. She visibly gulped in fear, as she waited for him to shout at her.

"Sorry, I was startled." Nihal spoke, once he had calmed down a little.

Yara opened and closed her mouth in shock as this wasn't the reaction, she was expecting. "I...I," she fumbled not knowing how to explain that her intention was to only comfort him.

Nihal forwarded his hand and gestured her to come near him, maintaining a soft gaze. Yara bit her lips before complying to his wish.

"You don't have to explain yourself. I am really sorry if my behaviour made it seem like you weren't welcomed."

"Please don't apologize. It's not your mistake. The problem is that our relationship is a little different than the usual mates. Which makes it difficult for me to comprehend whether a certain step is okay right now or it needs some time. I am not sure if I am moving too fast or whether I am breaking the boundaries. You are a human and it frightens me that what is acceptable for me might not be alright with you and I will end up scarring you."

Yara bowed her head, kicking herself in her head for having vented out her inner worries when her mate just had a mental breakdown a few hours ago. Timing couldn't have been more wrong but Nihal was still glad that she shared this with him.

"There's only one solution for this," he said, making Yara's head snap towards him with hope.

"Let's not assume and ask each other if we are comfortable. If yes, we move forward with the said thing or else we will patiently wait for the other to get comfortable with the idea."

It was times like this when life had fun with you. The problem looked so complicated that you went on banging your head on the wall while the answer to the overwhelming problem was so simple.

Yara wiped out the lone tear with the back of her hand. She had been so scared until now, always tiptoeing around everything, scared to make a mistake that would ruin everything.

"Are you comfortable with the idea of sleeping together?" she asked, not getting her hopes up.

"I am sorry that you have stuck with a guy like me. If it was someone else then he would have jumped at this idea."

Yara was deflated by his negative response but what saddened her more was his fallen face.

"I don't think this solution will work well if we are going to feel guilty about saying no."

Nihal smiled gratefully at Yara's understanding nature and promised her that he would try his best.

While one brother's relationship moved on snail's pace, still using trial and error method for smallest of things; the other one was already having a discussion about marking and sealing their bond.


Vivaan was in Alpha's office, working as his proxy while Alpha tried to gather himself. Luna Mahira was also there with the Alpha, trying to comfort her mate who was crying for his dead wife and their lost moments, keeping her hurt aside. As both the leaders were unavailable, the duties fell upon Vivaan's shoulders who wanted nothing but to spend time with his mate. Rehyaa was with him, trying to help him as much as she could. She was with him but he hadn't imagined their time to be spent working like this on the very first day of their meet.

Fortunately, a few hours later, Beta came and relieved him of his duty. Vivaan all but sprinted to his room with Rehyaa on his tow, not wanting to waste a single second.

"What's the hurry?" Rehyaa asked with a laugh when they both stumbled inside his room.

"I just wanted to spend time with you." Rehyaa was awed by his cute comment.

"Vivaan, I know the situation right now is not that good, with me losing my parents to the rogues situation which is going on here...," she trailed off, unsure how to word it out without sounding selfish.

Vivaan blinked his eyes reassuringly before nudging her to share whatever she wanted to as he would never judge her.

"I was wondering when we could meet in our wolf forms and also about marking each other."

Vivaan took her hands in his while making her sit on the bed. He knew how much effort and courage she would have needed to speak out this question and didn't want her to feel bad for opening up.

"Joy is also excited to meet your wolf and we can do it today itself but about marking, I was thinking to wait for one month and do it after our heightened emotions because of the mate bond have calmed down."

Vivaan had tried to be reassuring with his words but it had an opposite effect. She snatched her hands away and chuckled pathetically, cursing herself.

"Rehyaa, I...."

"Don't. I understand so please, don't bother explaining. I know that there will be no us after this one month. You wouldn't want a girl like me to be your mate and once this month is over, your need to be with me would also get over." She spoke and turned her face away to hide her tears.

Vivaan turned her back towards him with enraged eyes. "What do you mean by a girl like you?" He asked in a gruff voice, barely managing his temper.

Rehyaa scoffed, "Like you don't know. All the girls in your life are epitome of strength. Be it your mother, your best friend or your sister; each and every woman in your life is so strong. Why would you want such a weak mate?"

"How dare you call our mate weak?" Vivaan and Joy snarled, their voice mixing with each other.

Rehyaa fell on her back, losing her balance upon hearing Vivaan's roar. She tried to move a little but stilled when she saw his fisted hands and blazing eyes. Fear coursed through her body, freezing her on the spot.

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