24- Past Revelation

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Shocked, stunned, confused and many other similar expressions were seen in that cabin.

"Mahira, Vivaan, Nihal and Hritika, you all are wronged by me. Instead of just bits and pieces, hear out the whole story and then I will accept whatever punishment you four decide for me," Alpha Aarjav spoke, ignoring everyone else.

His nonchalant attitude towards other Alphas, had them seething but they sat back down after Peaceful Pack's Alpha gesture, asking them to wait.

Taking a huge breath to gather courage, Alpha Aarjav started speaking.

"As years passed by, I had lost hope about ever finding a mate and dedicated myself towards the betterment of pack. Unlike now, I had to travel/ stay in the city for far more days when I had just begun.

"The technologies and their implementatios were new to me and it took me a lot of time to understand and decide on what was good for us among everything and how was I going to make it work for our pack.

"The city's pollution had an adverse effect on Aarav. To protect him, we both collectively decided to use a small amount of silver. A very low amount that was enough to dull his senses and help him with constant headaches.

"While working there, I met Kavya and fell in love with her. I tried my best to distance myself from her as Aarav was still hopeful that we would find our mate. The more I tried to forget Kavya, the harder I got pulled towards her. However hard it was, I never expressed my love to her. But after two more years, even Aarav had lost every hope. With a heavy heart, he gave me permission to pursue Kavya, thinking that at least one of us would be happy.

"Everything was going smoothly but then father got furious on me. When I scented him near my city home, I foolishly thought that he tracked and followed me to stop my works in the city and to take me back. Not wanting him to find out about Kavya and Nihal, I told them to leave through back door, promising that I would come to take them back.

"My plan was to stay with my father for few days in the pack and then come back after he had subsequently calmed down. I forgot that my father wasn't naive. He had connected the dots when I left for city more than usual and his doubts were cleared by his spies.

"After taking me back to the pack, he informed me that there were many rogues who were keeping an eye on my human family and if I ever went to meet them then they would kill my wife and son on the spot."

"Stop fooling everyone. At that time you were the current Alpha and not your father. You could have easily commanded him," the female Alpha shouted, standing up from her chair.

She hated men who tried to manipulate their partners when they were in wrong.

Alpha Aarjav glared at her. He had clearly mentioned that other Alphas didn't need to know and comment on his personal life.

Shutting his eyes for a second to calm down, Alpha Aarjav started speaking again.

"I had hoped that my father would calm down after few days, so I waited. But before I could approach my father, I found my mate- Mahira, who had come to our pack to visit her friend."

"And you forgot about us". This time Nihal was the one who interrupted.

Alpha Aarjav sighed in tiredness. Rubbing his face, he shook his head.

"No, I never forgot about you or Kavya, nor I wanted to drag Mahira into my life when I was already in love with someone else. But my father still blackmailed me, forcing me to accept Mahira. That day, I decided enough was enough and tried to give him an Alpha command. My command worked on him, but it had an opposite effect.

"He was already aware that I would try to do that and had made plans. I had underestimated him. The moment I gave out the command, I received a photo.

"A photo of a wounded Nihal, bitten by a wolf."

Everyone gasped hearing it while Nihal and Hritika looked at each other in confusion.

As far as they remembered, Nihal was bitten only once in his life and that too by a dog.

"Uncle, Arr... that was a dog " Hritika corrected.

"It was clearly a wolf bite. Nihal was a small kid. He must have been confused," Alpha Aarjav replied.

Hritika nodded thoughtfully. No one was present when this had happened to Nihal and he did say that it was a huge dog.

"Just like that one by one, I kept getting blackmailed into accepting Mahira and then giving pack a heir. I was barely hanging on the thread but looking at Vivaan, all my memories with Nihal flashed in my mind. I was broken. Not knowing what to do, I tried ending my life. But my act gave rise to an huge guilt. Not only my father managed to keep me alive but also gave me a punishment that would haunt me till I leave this world.

"My act of cowardice resulted in death of Hritika's parents."

Alpha Aarjav had his head bowed down as Hritika looked at him with wide eyes. No word left from her mouth but her eyes, her eyes gave away all the pain.

"Please don't lie to save your face. Please tell us that you are lying," Nihal pleaded.

His eyes were red with tears as he took Hritika in his arms.

"I wish I could say that but this the truth. I want to apologize but I don't think that would be enough," Alpha Aarjav said in a somber tone.

"Continue your story," Hritika spoke in a hoarse voice, after leaving Nihal's comfort.

"We can continue this on a later date," Peaceful pack's Alpha suggested, understanding their pain.

"Just get this over with," Hritika gritted through her teeth.

"I didn't do anything after that. Never tried to do anything that my father hated. After few years, my mom died and her death caused him a huge grief. He stopped all his acts and just wandered out in the forest."

"Why didn't you try to meet your human family then?" Peaceful pack's Alpha questioned.

Alpha Aarjav chuckled, hearing that question.

"How could I? How could I face them after having a child with someone else? Plus, there was no way I could have cheated on Mahira. She is my mate, even though I don't love her, I do respect her. That's why, I never went back to Kavya and Nihal," Alpha Aarjav answered.

Thus the truth behind his past was revealed. Few Alphas were sympathetic towards him, while a few thought it was his mistake to fall in love with a human. Everyone had their own opinions but the ones whose opinion mattered the most, were dead silent.


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