Something To Celebrate

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It was early in the morning, with the sun beginning to rise over the horizon, slowly brightening up the sky from the blackness of the night to a more cheerful pale light blue of the morning. Toshinori was standing against the wall of Class 1-A's student dorm, allowing the calm, morning wind to blow against his blonde, spiked up hair. The wind was a bit chilly for the morning, and while he was wearing his baggy, dark blue t-shirt, he didn't mind the cold as he was in good spirit today.

He was waiting for Midoriya to leave the dorm for his usual morning jog routine, deciding to surprise him and take him somewhere else for the weekend morning. He had wanted to do so last week but considering Midoriya was in house arrest for 3 days, that was clearly out of the question. He honestly felt bad that he hadn't been able to be there for his student, especially with his training, even though he has seen him at class. Regardless, the boy continued to train and work hard, which all paid off with him finally gaining his provisional hero licence – his first step to becoming a hero.

He couldn't help the bright smile on his face as he thought back to the text Midoriya had sent him a few days ago, proudly showing his licence. He felt such pride in him, seeing his student grow and success ever since they first met over a year ago that he knew he needed to celebrate his achievement.

The sound of a door opening brought Toshinori out of his thoughts and caused him to turn his head towards it. He saw the main dorm door opening and through it came Midoriya. He was wearing his light green sweatshirt and trousers and his signature red shoes. He didn't seem to have noticed Toshinori standing close by as once he closed the door, he immediately walked down the small flight of stairs, stopping at the bottom to do a quick arm stretch.

"Always thinking about training, huh?" Toshinori smiled, before pushing himself off the wall and walking up to the top of the stairs.

"Morning, Young Midoriya." Midoriya jumped in shock before rapidly turning around, frantically looking around before his eyes landed on Toshinori.

"All Might?" He relaxed from seeing his mentor. "What are you doing here?"

Toshinori had to stop himself from laughing at his student's sudden reaction, which made him cough a bit, as he walked down the stairs. "Well, I came to see you, of course."

"Came to see me?" Midoriya pointed towards himself as he asked, looking slightly confused. Toshinori chuckled and nodded.

"I thought, maybe, instead of morning training today, we could, you know, hang out for a bit." He suggested his plan. "Take a walk in the park, buy a snack or something like that."

Midoriya looked at him a bit dumbfounded at what was just said, with his big, green eyes becoming even bigger. "Are... are you sure? Aren't you busy?" He asked.

Toshinori shook his head. "Managed to finish grading early, so I thought, why not?" He could see that Midoriya was still unsure about this, causing him to sigh. "The thing is, even though you're my successor, we haven't been able to train or even talk together recently. I guess the whole 'true form revealed' didn't help things either. But after you gained your provisional licence, I wanted to celebrate it. A chance to catch up with one another. O-Of course, it's your choice if you want to."

He quickly added the last bit, fully understanding his student's concern. But despite saying this, a part of him hoped he would say yes. He didn't understand this sudden feeling, but he didn't dwell on it. Midoriya then placed his finger and thumb on his chin, starting to think about his possible opinions.

"I... don't mind." Midoriya mentioned. "But it does mean I have to do extra training in the evening to make up for this morning."

Toshinori chuckled. "What about you take a break from training for today? You've earned it. Besides, it's important not to overwork your body."

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