A Light At The End

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"First of all... I-I would like to apologise for my absences. I've been... working up the courage to tell you all. I... I hope you can understand." Toshinori's hands were shaking, causing him to clasp them together as he sat on the sofa with his head slightly down. He really underestimated himself looking at 19 students in the eyes while telling them news they've been waiting for three days. But nevertheless, he took deep breaths and continued.

"I'm sure... you are all aware... vaguely, about what happened to... to Y-Young Midoriya being caught in the middle of a villain attack. He... He had some internal injuries due to the villain's Quirk, so he had surgery on that day. By the time I visited him, he was in intensive care. He was going in and out of consciousness and overall, seemed to be doing fine. But..."

His voice got caught in his throat, causing him to bow his head further, now looking at the floor. He let out a shaky sigh, as the memories of the morning came flooding back. Faster than he had anticipated.

"You can do this." He repeated. "You have to tell them."

"...Early this morning..." He pressed on. "I-I was informed... that a small amount of the villain's Quirk was... still in his system... And... because of that... he... flat lined..."

Toshinori could hear sounds of gasping, along with some soft muffled sobs.

"He... went straight to emergency surgery and... they managed to stop the Quirk. Right now... he's back in intensive care... and in... in a coma..."

"So... Midoriya's OK?" His brain couldn't register who was talking, but regardless he nodded.

"He's OK... for now." He lifted his head up slightly, only partially catching glimpse of some of the students. "Midoriya's a fighter. He... He always has been and... I know he'll pull through."

"He has to..."

"A-All that we can do... is to remain strong for him. I... I'm sorry... for everything... For causing you so much stress and worry and... You don't deserve this..."

"I don't deserve this." He thought as collection of "It's OK, All Might" and "It's not your fault, All Might" was heard.

"You should be upset with me." He thought as they all agreed in his words. How they should all be strong as Midoriya would do the same.

"You should be angry with me from keeping this from you." He thought as the barrage of teenagers collided into him, giving him a big hug. The tears he held back couldn't be contained anymore as he wrapped his arms around the ones he could.

"Thank you." It was barely a whisper and he doubted anyone heard him, but it was OK. For once, he was content.

"You are all wonderful students and you'll all be amazing heroes one day."

He only hoped Midoriya will achieve that dream too.

"I'm staying strong... Izuku. Please, stay strong too."

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

One week later...

"Alright, then. Last up, it's Young Uraraka." Toshinori watched from the side lines, with his arms behind him as Uraraka walked up to the white line on the floor, facing forward towards the long pit of sand in front of her. She did a quick stretch of her arms before crouching down slightly and getting into a running position.

"OK, whenever you're ready." He announced. There were some cheers coming from her friends, and she couldn't help but smile from it. After a moment of waiting, she sprinted forward, hitting the ground hard with every step, swinging her arms in front. Then, she wrapped her hand around her wrist, her fingertips making contact with it as she jumped, sending her floating halfway across the sandpit.

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