A Fighter

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A UA student is in critical condition after a villain attack at Musutafu. 16-year-old Izuku Midoriya is in intensive care, following a fight with the villain near the Local District in Musutafu. Witnesses have said that the young boy was fighting the villain where he sustained injuries to his abdomen, caused by her Quirk, which allowed her to deepen someone's wound by the touch of her hand...

It was all over the news. How another UA student was put in danger once again, despite the precautions made. How Toshinori failed to protect him.

... The former No.1 pro hero, All Might, was at the scene as well, tending to the student's wounds before paramedics arrived...

They didn't mention how he was down for the whole fight, stopped by his old wound. How he was lying pathetically on the ground while his student fought for what he believed in. Which led to where he was now.

Because of you.

Because you couldn't protect him.

Because you couldn't do the one thing, you are now capable of doing.

You couldn't even do that.

Toshinori was discharged from the hospital later that evening after his final check-up gave him the all clear. Miraculously, he managed to get away from any sign of the media, wanting answers from him, taking a route where they couldn't follow him. He was not in the right state of mind for interviews. A part of him was thankful that he had decided to move into the school dorms beforehand, guaranteeing him that no reporter will enter the school premise. A part of him, however, was not.

He stayed out for hours after he left the hospital, wandering aimlessly and away from prying eyes before making his way to the dorms. When he entered, no one from Class 1-A was in the common space. All were upstairs, which Toshinori had hoped.

He didn't want to deal with Midoriya's classmates. To face the questions that they will most definitely have for him, like 'What happened?' or 'Is Midoriya OK?'. To see the look of fear and desperation for their friend on their faces. For the guilt inside him to be at an all-time high. All because he failed.

Once he entered the dorms, he went straight to his room. There, he couldn't sleep. The fact he was even trying to seemed futile, but he tried nonetheless. And failed. He kept on tossing and turning, trying to fall asleep.

But the images were still vivid in his mind. The blood pouring out. The fear in his eyes and voice. A wide smile and a lively presence in contract to a scared boy and a limp body.

He has just gotten out of surgery...

All... Might... I'm sorry...

... d-don't want... to die!

He woke up from the nightmare, panting heavily and feeling sweat on his forehead. Knowing he was never going to fall asleep, he made his way downstairs, into the common room, where he now found himself, slumped into the sofa, staring blankly at the TV as the news on Midoriya played in front of him.

How useless... can you really be?

The negative thoughts had been playing in his mind ever since the incident and it didn't seem to stop. He didn't seem to try and stop them. Whether he couldn't or didn't want to, even he didn't know.

He felt his heart flip when the news report showed a picture of Midoriya, bright eyed with a bright smile. Unlike how he was that morning. He sighed, closing his eyes and rubbing his face to try and remove the thoughts, but nothing. They were still there and may still be, even when all this was over.

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