The Right To Know

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Toshinori knew he shouldn't sleep sitting down on the chair, while lying his head on the table, but honestly, he couldn't bring himself to get up. Turned out, Inko was right, he was mighty exhausted. The small nap he had at the hospital didn't do much, and now he was fighting it in the common room in Class 1-A's dorm.

He was, once again, lucky that all the students were up in their rooms by the time he had arrived. The moment he entered through the doors, with the room void of students, he made his way to the dinner tables, where he found himself now.

He knew he had to get up to his bed, but his body didn't make any attempt to follow through with it. He sighed as his head rested on his folded arms on top of the table.

Just before sleep finally took over, he started to hear a whooshing sound in the distance. Lifting his head, he looked around in confusion, wondering what the noise was. Then, it clicked.

"The elevator." Toshinori sighed, as his body finally cooperated with him and he sat up straight on his chair, grunting from the pain from lying down.

He hadn't seen or talked to any of Class 1-A since the incident, trying to avoid any confrontation with them. Though he couldn't blame them. They were only worried about their friend and wanted to know if he was OK, but he couldn't bring himself to tell them all.

"But... it's just one kid." He thought as the sound was slowly coming to a stop. "I could tell them, and they could tell the others for me."

You can't hide from what you did.

He sighed as he leaned his head back, staring up at the ceiling, only now realising how dark the entire area was. The noise came to a stop, followed by a ding, the sound of the door opening and footsteps.

"You have to tell them, Toshi. Just... one of them..."

"All Might?" Toshinori lowered his head from the backseat. He had mixed feelings seeing Uraraka in front of him.

On the one end, she was probably one of the easiest students he could talk to. But, on the other end, she was Midoriya's best friend, having seen them hanging out with one another many times. She was probably handling this whole situation the worst, and he couldn't blame her. That just made the guilt in him increase from seeing her.

"Oh, Young Uraraka." He greeted, giving her a smile as best he could as he straightened up from his seat. "What are you doing up this late?"

Uraraka stood there, looking surprised when she saw All Might with wide eyes. When he asked the question though, her gaze shifted to the floor. She shuffled on her feet nervously as she rubbed her forearm with her hand.

"I, uh... I was... doing some homework and... I got a little hungry." She said quietly.

"I see. Wait, didn't you already have dinner?" He asked curiously.

"... Everyone else did."

"Oh..." Toshinori knew all too well the idea of not eating when stressed. His time as a hero had him not eating for so many days. Also, the fact that he doesn't have a stomach didn't help with his appetite either. But to see a student going through the exact same thing, still in their first year, made his heart sank.

And yet, she hadn't asked about the cause of her stress.

"Well... I won't stop you, then." He gave a smile to Uraraka, who gave him a small smile back before making her way to the open kitchen, that was next to the tables. Toshinori turned around from his seat and watched as she took out an instant ramen noddle pot from the cupboard, before filling the kettle with water to boil. Afterward, she waited in silence as the water boiled. She didn't make any movement, only staring at the kettle.

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