In An Instant

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"All Might?" Toshinori's mind was foggy, just only starting to clear up that he barely caught the voice of someone, but he didn't attempt to answer it. He can feel he was lying on something, but he didn't know what, nor did he care.

"All Might!" The voice came back again, this time sounding sterner, but he still didn't move.

"Wake up, All Might." A hand was placed on his shoulders, shaking him and that was enough for the fogginess to clear, becoming aware of his surroundings. He let out a groan as he struggled, but managed, to open his eyes.

That's when he realised where he was – still downstairs and lying on the dinner table. His arms were stretched across the table and his head rested on one of them.

"Crap. I fell asleep downstairs."

"You weren't supposed to sleep downstairs." The same voice came back, coming from behind him, and with his mind all clear up from sleepiness, the low, monotone voice of it was unmistakably to Toshinori. He sat up from his lying position slowly, feeling the stiffness of bones holding him back. He also started to feel a slight pulsing near his old injury, prompting him to grab hold on it as he sat up straight, letting out another groan.

Really pathetic, aren't you?

He rubbed his face, running it through his hair as he turned his head to his right. There, he saw Aizawa standing next to him. He had his usual neutral, tired expression on him, but even he could tell there was a hint of worry in him. He gave a weak wave to him as he rubbed the bridge of his nose.

"Yeah, I know." He answered, his voice sounding very groggy. "Guess sleep got the best of me." Aizawa just hummed in response, as Toshinori stretched out his arms, hearing it click from the stiffness.

"What time did you get back?" Aizawa asked, shoving his hands into his pockets.

"Don't know. It was late at night." Toshinori replied as he rubbed his eyes. Afterwards, he processed to get up from his seat, stretching his arms out again and rotating his neck. Looking around the common room, he noticed how early in the morning it was, with the soft light purple sunlight shining through the windows.

"You're awake earlier than usual." He commented to Aizawa while rubbing the back of his head.

"Well, I wouldn't be if you had picked up your phone when it rang."

Toshinori raised his eyebrow in confusion, taking note of Aizawa's slightly annoyed expression. Turning his head forward, his eyes landed on his phone, which was placed on the table next to you. He picked it up and unlocked it.

He had three missed calls. All of them were from Inko.

A sudden feeling of dread fell onto his heart as he quickly went into his call application, tapping on her name and waiting anxiously as the phone rang.

"Come on, come on!" He gritted through his teeth, berating himself for missing the call in the first place. After the eighth ring, the phone went straight to voicemail.

"Damn it!" Toshinori ended the call in frustration.

"Don't worry, I picked up her call." He seemingly forgot that Aizawa was still here as he jumped slightly from his voice before turning to face him.

"Like I said, you didn't pick up your calls." Aizawa continued. "So, she called me instead. The call lasted 10 minutes or so before I headed downstairs, finding you here."

His eyes grew as a feeling of fear crashed into him. "W-What did she say? Is Young Midoriya OK?" He asked desperately, seeing Aizawa's head turned away from him.

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