A Flip Of A Switch

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The initial panic in Toshinori eventually disappeared as he continued to make conversation with Midoriya as they walked down a small alleyway towards the main street, where the local café was located. He remembered it being a nice quiet café that he'd like to vacate occasionally in his true form previously, but now he had a feeling that would change the moment he would step in. Regardless, he told himself he would worry about it when he got there.

Soon, the two left the alley, entering the street with the morning sun at full force. Toshinori took this opportunity to quietly breath in the air. He hadn't had the time to simply take a walk, and to do it with Midoriya made it better.

"So... where is the café?" He heard Midoriya ask, which prompted him to point towards a small building on the other side of the road, located at the end of the street. They walked across and entered the café. He was met with the familiar warm colours, with fairy lights decorating the walls. It wasn't a popular place, but Toshinori enjoyed all the same, especially now as he and Midoriya were the only customers this early in the morning.

He greeted the staff as they went to find a seat who, as expected, began to stutter at his presence, knowing now who he truly was.

"I guess you come often, All Might?" Midoriya asked as he took off his bag and sat down at a table near the window.

"When I can, yes." Toshinori replied. "I had expected they would react like this." He then picked up a menu from a small pile on the table. "Alright, order whatever you want. I'll pay for it."

"No, it's OK, All Might. I-I'll pay for it." Midoriya insisted quickly.

He chuckled. "It's fine. Besides, this is my treat after all." Despite saying this, he still ordered something not so expensive. He had always been a humble person, so he didn't dwell on it. The waitress who took their order, while clearly shaking from the sight of the former number one hero in their small, little café, still presented herself as professionally as possible. He had known they took their job to heart, so he appreciated it.

Soon, their food arrived, with him ordering a simple cup of tea and Midoriya getting a small stack of waffles. As they ate, they resumed back to their conversation from before. Toshinori allowed his student to do most of the talking, as he excitedly talked about how his new fighting move, Shoot Style, helped in the licence exam, and how he continued to train it, hoping to get better at it. He couldn't explain it, but it was always a joy to hear Midoriya become excited about his training and wanting to become a great hero. He could honestly hear him all day, but unfortunately time was short today, and both had school to get back to.

They finished their food and as promised, Toshinori payed for food. They thanked the staff as they left the building.

"That was actually nice." Midoriya commented with a smile before looking to Toshinori. "Thanks, All Might."

"My pleasure, my boy." He ruffled his hair, which made him smile even wider, if it was possible. As he looked out to the street, getting ready to head off, the back of his mind noticed how quiet the roads were, despite it only being close to 7:30 in the morning, but he didn't think too much about it.

"Right, now let's head back before..."

"All Might, look out!" Everything happened so fast that Toshinori didn't have time to register. A surge of green lightening surrounded Midoriya as he collided right into his left side, causing him to instantly lose balance. A large explosion happened next to them and the two bodies of mass rolled away from it, landing on the road. The moment Toshinori stopped and landed on his back, the pain from his injury went straight to overdrive, pulsing right through his body.

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