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Even within the depths of his sleep, Toshinori could tell something was off. He forced his eyes open, confused to find himself staring at a morning sky. As his senses slowly came to, he also realised he was lying on the ground, feeling the gravely pavement beneath him.

"What the...?" He muttered, as he began to sit up. Looking around, he found himself in the middle of a street. The silence of the area made him feel uncomfortable, with no one near and just a light wind providing some presence.

"Where's everyone?" Toshinori slowly got up, still looking around for any sign of movement where his eyes suddenly caught a particular building, standing on the end of the street. It was small, with a sign that said 'Hideout Café', and he could just make out warm coloured walls and hanging fairy lights inside.

"That's..." He suddenly became speechless as long hidden memories resurfaced in fast succession. He started to feel his scar pulse as flashes of blood and screams surrounded his mind, preventing him to move.

"Oh, All Might. How useless can you be?" His frozen state was soon broken by a voice he had hoped to never hear again, and with that, anger began to surge inside him. As Toshinori turned around slowly, his suspicions were confirmed, with the looming figure of All for One standing a metre away from him. His arms were behind his back and while he was wearing his black, heavy helmet, Toshinori could feel his grin piecing through him.

"Why are you here?" He grunted through his teeth, keeping his seething anger under control. The laughing that accompanied his question didn't help things either.

"Even if I was locked away, no matter how far you run, I'm always right behind you." All for One answered, clear amusement in his voice, which only angered Toshinori more. "Then again, it seems like I don't need to. You seem to be making a joke of yourself all on your own."

Toshinori gritted his teeth, clenched his fist, and took a step forward, just stopping himself before he could throw a punch. He let out a deep, long sigh. "You're not going to get to me."

"Oh really? Because it seems like I am." All for One took a step forward, composed like he was in a business meeting. "You think you're strong, but you're only strong with One for All. Without it, you're nothing. You couldn't even save your boy."

Toshinori glared daggers at his nemesis, raising a finger straight at him with fury. "You don't have the right to mention his...!" All sense of speech completely dissipated as he looked down his stretched-out arm. Previously clean, it was now covered with blood. He quickly looked at his other arm and found it in blood also.

"Ah. Speaking of whom..." All for One's voice pierced through Toshinori's murky mind, but he didn't react as his breath became shallow from the sight of blood.

"A-All... M-Might..." But the small, cracked, and scared voice from behind was the one that broke through to him. His eyes widen with shock and fear as he spun his whole body around. He didn't think it was possible for his fear to sink into the depths of the earth, but the sight of Midoriya lying on the ground, drenched in blood, and reaching out a shaky hand towards his mentor managed to dig deep.

"Young Midoriya!" Toshinori ran straight forward, but suddenly a shoot of pain coursed through his body, causing him to yell and fall on his knees, grasping hold of his old injuries.

"You see, All Might? You never seem to know what your limits are." All for One spoke through, walking past Toshinori with little urgency and placing a quick hand on his shoulder. Even under in much white pain, he tried to reach out to stop him, when suddenly thick black liquid started to engulf around him and pulled him away.

"No! No, get off me! Young Midoriya!" He shouted, desperately struggling against the black substance, watching helplessly as All for One loomed over his boy. He then turned around where Toshinori saw that his helmet was no longer there, showcasing his scar tissue covered face and menacing grin.

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