More Than You'll Ever Know

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"Toshinori?" Through the foggiest of his mind, Toshinori heard someone whispering towards him, along with a hand slightly shaking him.

"Toshinori, wake up." The voice spoke again, being a little more aggressive with the shaking, which was what finally got him to wearily open his eyes, grunting at the sudden light shining towards him. He rubbed his eyes, trying to remove some of the tiredness in him before blinking them and turning in the direction of the voice, where he saw Inko standing next to him.

"Sorry to wake you up." She said apologetically.

"Oh... No, i-it's OK." Toshinori insisted, his voice laced in sleep as he went to rub his eyes again. He had no idea when he fell asleep and for how long. He could only remember being in a conversation with Inko, talking about school and how everyone was doing regarding Midoriya's situation.

"Did I... did I fall asleep... in the middle of our conversation?" He asked with embarrassment.

Inko chuckled. "No, you didn't. I suggested you take a nap since you looked really tired."

"Oh... I see." He slightly sighed with relief

"Anyway, I have to go and meet with Dr Fujinaga." She informed him. "Would it be OK if... you could look after Midoriya until I come back?"

"Oh, of course. Not a problem." Toshinori immediately answered, already starting to feel the signs of tiredness leave his system as he straightened up from his seat. "I'll let you know if anything happens."

Inko smiled. "Thank you, Toshinori. It shouldn't take too long." With that, she headed for the door and left the room, leaving her belonging on her chair like before. With the silence of the room, he could hear the heart monitor clearly, which prompted him to look at Midoriya, where he laid in the same position as before with no change whatsoever.

"I don't know what I was expecting." He thought, sighing to himself before turning his attention towards the windows. There, he noticed that the sun was beginning to set, causing the sky to change into a light orange colour. This prompted him to pull out his phone from his pocket, finding the time to be close to 6pm.

"Looks like I have to leave soon." Toshinori reluctantly said to himself. As much as he wanted to stay in the hospital, to stay by Midoriya's side for as long as he could, he knew he had to head back to U.A. one way or another since he had lessons to teach tomorrow. That didn't change the way he could feel his heart pound slightly louder from the thought of him leaving his student behind.

He could already sense the negative thoughts trying to emerge for a brief second, trying to throw him off, so he got up from his seat, carding through his messy hair as he walked up to the window. Staring down, he could see the skylines stretching towards the horizon, with its lights beginning to be turn on as the colours in the sky got darker. Toshinori then closed his eyes, focusing his thoughts on the sound coming from the heart monitor.

"He's OK. He's alive. He'll wake up, no matter what." He repeated, pushing the negative thoughts in the back of his mind, where they belonged. He wasn't going to let them win over him again; he'll make sure of that. Thankfully, he felt those thoughts disappear, causing him to breathe a sigh of relief as he opened his eyes again, looking at the skylines. The sight in front of him remembered him of his time as a pro hero, jumping through his streets with the wind blowing through his hair. It gave him a calming feeling that he hadn't felt in a long time.

After a while, Toshinori moved away from the window and headed back to Midoriya's side. He didn't take his seat on the chair, though. Instead, he crouched down, leaning forward, and resting his arms on the edge of the bed. He had a feeling his legs would protest to no end once he got up, but he didn't care at the moment. He wanted to be as close to his boy as he could. The skyline wasn't the only thing that made him feel calm.

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