Come To The Realisation

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Toshinori was sure he looked like an idiot, standing right in front of the hospital room door, with no sign of moving. Then again, he wouldn't have been frozen in place if the realisation that he was actually going to see Midoriya after a week and a half didn't suddenly sink in, just as he was about to knock. He also felt a surprising amount of fear and worry surged in him, but he wasn't sure why. Midoriya was out of his coma and out of intensive care, which meant he was recovering well. He knew that, and yet he had this lingering fear in him.

But he knew he couldn't stand here any longer before people started being concerned about him, so once he took a big deep breath, which caused him to cough a bit due to his breath being bigger than his one lung could take, he finally knocked on the door.

A few seconds passed and no answer. He knocked again. Still no answer. A third time, but no charm.

"Must have left somewhere." He mumbled. With nothing else to go by, he slowly reached for the doorknob, waiting a good minute before finally steeling himself and opening the door.

The sound of the heart monitor was the first thing he heard as the door widened. He noticed that, unlike before, the beeping sounded more in rhythm. As he peaked his head in, he saw the room to be of medium size, with a wide window, highlighting the view of Musutafu with the bright blue late morning weekend sky. At the end of the room, there was a chair, with a coat hanging over it and a couple of bags near it. And located in the middle, was a bed with a shock of green lying at the centre. A shock of green Toshinori hadn't seen in a long time. Longer than he had could have hoped.

The sight stirred him to enter the room fully, closing the door behind him and slowly approaching the bed, where Midoriya rested. While he was still unconscious and still needed the use of an oxygen mask, it was clear he was doing a lot better.

He could now see his chest rise and fall just a bit higher, taking in more oxygen inside. He only had an IV line attached to him. His face was no longer as white as a ghost, now showing some colourations and his expression was more relaxed like he was asleep. No longer exhibiting any of the pain from that day.

Toshinori let out a sigh that he didn't realised he was holding. He was glad he wasn't allowed to see him while in intensive care. There was only so much he could handle, seeing his student in such a lifeless state. Which also made his heart go out to Inko in what she went through.

Finding a chair in the room, he sat down, sitting as close to the bed as possible, letting the now calming and rhythmic monitor take over the room.

"Hey, Young Midoriya." He greeted softly. He wasn't going to get a reply, but he still needed to talk to him. He hadn't for so long.

"I... I see you've been recovering well." He continued, a smile on his face. "I'm proud of you for that. That you continue to be fighter, even now." He reached his hand towards Midoriya, hesitating a bit before resting it on his hair, threading through its green curls. He missed doing that, along with the smile that went with it.

"I miss you, you know. Everyone does." He then sighed, as his smile faltered a bit. "I just... wish it didn't have to come to this."

Toshinori could still see it. The terror in his eyes and voice. The blood pouring out. The sinking of his heart. He still remembered. He always will, no matter what, like many others. He only hoped Midoriya won't have to suffer with the memories as well once he woke up. He would give anything not to let that happen.

To go back and stop the attack from ever happening.

The sound of the door opening brought him out of his thoughts. He quickly removed his hand from his hair before looking at the door as it opened. Through it came Inko, holding a coffee cup in her hand. As she closed the door, focused on it, her eyes then fell on Toshinori.

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