Broken Promises

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Toshinori felt a sudden pain on his neck as he began to wearily open his eyes, meeting the bright white ceiling. As he slowly became fully aware of his surroundings, he realised his neck was resting over the back of the chair.

"Crap, must have fallen asleep." He muttered under his breath. He couldn't remember what happened – first, he was watching over Midoriya at the hospital which, by looking at the ceiling, he was still in. The next, he had falling asleep. He guessed that his lack of sleep from yesterday had finally caught up with him.

He then lowered his head, letting out a groan from the pain. He hung his head down, allowing his bangs to dangle as he rubbed his eyes with his hand to remove some sleep.

"I see you're awake, Toshinori."

Toshinori froze. His eyes grew wide and a sharp gasp escaped his mouth. His heart sank even further, and he had to stop blood from coming up his throat.

He knew that voice. And with that voice came her words.

Izuku needs you. To protect and raise him. If you can promise me that, then I'll let him return to UA.

"My... My promise... I..."

Eventually, he raised his head up slowly. Once he did, he froze again, and his eyes grew wider.

Inko was sitting on the opposite side of the bed, with her hands were cupped around Midoriya's. She gave Toshinori a small smile once he raised his head up. He could see red around her eyes, clearly from all the tears she shredded for her son.

All because of you...

"You were sleeping when I arrived, so I didn't want to wake you." She explained.

"Oh." He simply answered. He slowly leaned back on the chair, his face still looking like it got frozen. Inko's eyes turned to Midoriya, as she stroked some of his hair back from his face. His eyes moved away from the scene and looked down on the floor. He felt like he was intruding on a family moment. That he shouldn't be here. That and the guilt in him increased in him once again after seeing Inko.

In an attempt to not look out of place, he went into his trouser pocket and pulled out his phone, noticing that the time was 6:30 in the evening.

"I should probably get going." He thought, though the slight heart sink didn't seem to approve of that idea. Still looking away, he leaned his arm up against his armchair, resting his head on his hand, and let out a deep sigh.

He gave Inko his promise, his word that he would protect Midoriya. And yet he failed. He felt like running, yet he couldn't even begin himself to do that either.

You really are a failure, aren't you?

He shut his eyes tightly to remove the negative thoughts. Although, he was slowly starting to believe them.


Toshinori's eyes shot open wide and his head whipped around. Inko's smile was a bit wider as she leaned a bit closer to Midoriya, stroking his cheek lightly.

"Hi, Izuku. It's OK, I'm still here." She said quietly. Midoriya's head turned wearily towards her, as a quiet groan escaped his mouth.

"He... he's awake..." Midoriya's voice was barely a whisper, that the fact Toshinori was able to hear it was astonishing. But it didn't matter. The sheer sight of the boy talking and moving was more than enough for him. His eyes began to sting and for the first time, he felt a sense of hope emerging in him.

"All Might's awake now." Inko mentioned to Midoriya, with the smile still on her face. "Do you want to say 'hi'?"

There was a moment of silence where no movement occurred, that made Toshinori's heart sank. Eventually, Midoriya slowly turned his head, but stopped when his head reached only halfway, where Toshinori could see that his eyes were still closed.

"A-All..." Midoriya's voice croaked so heavily, that it could have shatter Toshinori, beyond the emotions he was feeling. But then, he stopped talking, his chest fell deeply and his whole body became limp again.

"... Midoriya?" Toshinori called out quietly, but he didn't receive an answer. If it wasn't for the resumed faint rise and fall of his chest and the sound of the heart monitor, he would have thought his student had died right there and then.

"He's been going in and out of consciousness for a while now." He heard Inko explain. Looking up from Midoriya, he could see she was now showcasing a sad smile as she reached over to brush another strand of her son's hair.

"I see..." He said, before looking away once again, to the ground. He didn't think it was possible for his heart to sink any lower.

"You look tired." He looked up again to face Inko, who now had a concern expression on her.

He shrugged. "Wouldn't be the first time." He tried to give a smile back, but even he knew it was futile, only resulting in a weak one.

Inko sighed, resting a hand over Midoriya's again. "Dr Fujinaga told me you've been here since 1pm. Did you not teach today?"

Toshinori looked slightly away from her before answering, still not comfortable with looking straight at her after everything that had happened. "Principal Nezu allowed me the day off to see Young Midoriya."

"I see. I think you should go and get some rest." He knew she was right. He was even thinking about it himself, but that didn't stop him from having the same sinking feeling as before. He looked back at her and he must have had such a starling expression as she couldn't help but give a slight smile towards him.

"I know you're worried about him, but I can keep an eye on him for the night. I am his mother, after all."

"O-Of course!" He quickly answered, fearing that he may have insulted her. "And I'm not saying you couldn't. Not at all, it's just..."

Just what? Because you're responsible for this?

Toshinori stopped speaking, like the words became stuck in his throat. That nothing he could say would change what he did. He looked away from her and the silence returned to them.

"It's just what?" Inko enabled him to continue.

"It..." He sighed in defeat, the words still not coming up. "I don't know..."

"...M-Might?" His voice was so quiet, but Toshinori heard Midoriya loud and clear as he quickly turned his head to face him. The boy's eyes were still closed, but his head had turned, facing him.

"W-Whe.... You...?" There were words missing, but Toshinori knew exactly what he meant. He slowly got up to stand closer to the bed. There was some hesitation in him as he slowly raised his hand and carefully placed it on Midoriya's head. There was a groan from him, but other than that, he was still.

Toshinori had to let out a deep sigh that he kept within, before giving a strained smile, even though he knew fully well Midoriya was not looking at him. It may have been more for himself.

"... I'm here, Young Midoriya." He finally answered him. "I'm right here."

Midoriya opened his mouth, seemingly going to talk again, but then his body went limp again, returning to unconsciousness before he had the chance. The hand on his head did not leave though, like it was stuck firmly in place. Same could be said for his eyes, watching the boy's breathing, as shallow as it was.

"Toshinori..." He jolted up from his stare, looking straight at Inko, who had an even more concerned expression on her.

"You're worried, I know. I'm worried as well. But you also need to worry about your wellbeing as well, and clearly what you need now is sleep." A smile then came to her. "He's going to be OK. I know he will."

It was so foreign for Toshinori, for someone else to be the one comforting him, when he had always been the one to do so. He wanted to argue with her, tell her that he was fine, and he could stay by his side for the entire night, but even his mind was telling him he couldn't.

Too tired to save him, huh?

Once again, he couldn't argue with his mind. He gave a shaky sigh before giving a small smile to Inko, who smiled back. He then drew his attention back to Midoriya.

That kid's a fighter, you know.

With much resistance, he removed his hand from his head, ruffling some hair strands as he did.

"Stay strong, my boy. And keep fighting."

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