Chapter 13: Back to School

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"What are you doing here?" Fred continued just as nervously.

"Boys, what did you do?" Arthur asked sternly.

"We thought Percy was still sleeping so we-"


That was Penny.

"Did you think that was my room?" I smirked.

"We thought you were sharing a room," Fred corrected.

"As if Mum would allow that," I scoffed as Penny came running down the stairs. She shoved poor Ron and Harry aside as they reached the threshold behind the twins. She stopped in the door way, breathing heavily, glaring at the two. She was covered head to toe in scarlet glitter.

"You two have some cleaning up to do as well as some explaining," Arthur was finding it hard not to laugh.

"Penny, we swear, we meant to get Percy with those," George started, trying to appease the angry Ravenclaw. His hands were up as if to keep her at bay.

"Did you two trolls think to look?" Penny growled.

I have to admit, I was starting to be a little scared of her. Despite the fact that she was covered head to toe in sparkling pieces of plastic that were flaking off like glittering red rain.

"Boys," Molly's voice sounded just behind Penny. "What is this?"

"Uh, hello, Mum!" Fred chirped, slightly relieved. "Fancy seeing you here!"

Molly came from around the bedazzled, angry Penny and planted her hands on her hips. The look she gave them could wither Medusa. "Clean this up right now," she said. "Then go get your things ready to go. You're leaving soon."

"Yes mum," they said in unison as they whipped out their wands. It took them no longer than two minutes to clean Penny and the room she was using.

Penny and I did a sweep of the house to make sure there was nothing left behind. We met up outside the kitchen just in time to hear some argumentative voices coming from within. We gave each other a look and I reached over to push it open a smidge.

"I'm warning you, Snivellus," it was Sirius. He and Snape were almost nose to nose, glaring daggers at each other. "If you are in any way not helpful to Harry in these lessons, no cell in Azkaban and no horde of Death Eaters is going to keep me from coming after you."

"I can give all the help I can, however," Snape retorted with a sneer. "It all depends on if he will be able to step down from his arrogance to accept correction."

Rolling my eyes, I left the room. Dumbledore put Snape in charge of Harry's Occlumency lessons? What was he thinking? Penny was wonderful at the mind magic, he could have asked her. Or even Hermione! She studies enough for the whole school, she'd love to try it out!

In the next 5 minutes, everyone was gathered by the fireplace to floo back to Hogwarts. It was terrible. No matter how many times I do it, I never can stop bouncing into the walls and getting soot all over myself.

On the first day back, my classes were all uneventful. It was while classes were not in session that I had problems. Here I am, trying to get quality time with my brothers when they keep hanging around the campers! It's not like I can act like my true self with them right there, they'd know right away. Even Ginny was hanging out with them. She seemed to have made best friends with Thalia and Piper. This made me only a little nervous. They'd better not be teaching her anything besides self defense.

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