Bonus #1: Bill Sees Percy's Scars

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Ron stared at me. He seemed calmed down now that he'd heard more of my backstory. "I'm almost afraid to see them," he said.

"They're not that bad," I protested weakly.

"Bill walked in on your scars," Arthur stated.

"Ok, it might have been that bad," I said a lot quieter, turning red from the looks they were giving me.

"Scars?" Bill asked.

"It would be easier to just give you the memories," Penny said before I could even attempt at an explanation.

I breathed in deep, looking over the large pond I found by the Burrow. It's been a while since I've been in any kind of water.

In the weeks I've left camp and joined the already vast Weasley family, I have already exposed my secret to the twins three times (because of their pranks), Ron once, and Ginny twice. My secret obviously being that I'm American, and in the case of the twins, someone who carries a sword 24/7. And that's not even mentioning how I've been building my new persona as Perceval Weasley; employee of Mr Bartimus Crouch; and someone who has spent the past 16 years with Fred and George Weasley, 14 years with Ronald, and 13 with Ginerva.

I need to make myself as unsentimental as possible to as to avoid conversations of the past years I was supposed to have been there for. I don't need to really worry about Charlie or William (Bill) because they've gone and moved out already. Eventually that will be a problem but I'love burn that bridge when I get there. Which should be in the next day or so because both Bill and Charlie are coming back to go with everyone to the World Quidditch Match.

I am going to be in a world of trouble when they get here. It's a good thing Hecate taught me that spell to save memories in jars until the time comes to finally tell them I've been posing as a brother they never had until this year...this is really messed up.

In doing all that, I hadn't had a chance for a relaxing swim. Any other time I have, I'm training. so this was going to be great. I won't have this chance again until school starts for Ron, Ginny and their friends.

Looking at the cool water, I felt a wave of excitement wash over me. I yanked my shirt off and prepared to jump in by backing up a ways. I started running as fast as I could right at the pond. Just as I jumped, I heard, "What are you doing?"

I let out an undignified yelp as I hit the water, flailing around my arms uselessly. My heart racing, I looked around the pond after poking my head above the water. I hoped none of my new brothers or sister were the ones to have said that. Fortunately, it was just a nymph.

She was lounging on the side, watching me with wide eyes. Her hair melded with the water around us and she had a green-blue tint to her skin.

"Swimming," I answered. "What does it look like?"

"No one ever swims here." She said. "Except the one other red head boy years ago."

My brow rose on its own accord. "Do you know his name." I asked.

She shook her head. "He would only ever talk about plans he had for after Hogwarts. Whatever that is."

"Did he talk to you?" I asked, my brow furrowed now. I didn't realize the wizards had been aware of any nymphs or nature spirits.

She resolved my confusion by shaking her head again. "He never saw me. I guess this was where he went to think."

I nodded thoughtfully. That made mores sense. With the amount of people living in that house, there was a high possibility that whoever it was just went here to get away from everyone. "What did he talk about?" I asked. Maybe I can figure out who she saw regularly.

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