Chapter 25: Demigod Magic

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Up here, she was a different kind of beautiful. More alive. Her dress still floated around her like smoke, but it was brightly colored. Her hair was lighter, almost golden, and her skin had a healthy amount of color to it. Out of all of it, her eyes were the most captivating. Being no longer washed out, they sparkled with many colors, which only made her smile look more mischievous.

"Would you join me for a picnic?" The goddess suddenly said. Before we had a chance to respond, we were sitting down on a red and white checkered blanket with a wicker basket and an assortment of foods surrounding us.

Harry woke up the morning Percy left on his quest feeling as close to freedom as he's ever felt in his life. There were no Dursleys, no chores, no detention, no nothing. It was glorious. There weren't even any dreams of Voldemort. Letting Penny teach him Occlumency was the best decision he'd ever made.

He, Ron, Hermione, and Ginny followed the campers of the Hecate cabin in their routine. Breakfast, then some quick combat training in the arena with the weapons they were given, and a Latin/ancient Greek lesson where they learned the basics. Currently they were in the room the Hecate children used to practice magic. This was something both wizards and demigods, were looking forward to. They grouped together around Lou Ellen, waiting excitedly for her to tell them what they were doing.

The demigod in question was bouncing on her toes and grinning madly. "Today, I've got a few options." she told them. "We can learn from our visitors, we can teach our visitors, or we can figure out how to put together each of our different, but similar types of magic."

Hermione let out an excited gasp. Harry figured he knew which one she would want to do. Ginny, however, frowned. "How would we try to put them together when we hardly know anything about the other?"

Hermione moved as if to put a hand over Ginny's mouth, but Lou Ellen nodded thoughtfully.

"You have a point." Lou Ellen said. "Okay, how about this? First, we teach you today. Then, once you have a grasp on our magic, you teach us. Then we find out how to put it together."

Hermione slumped, but said, "That makes sense."

"Perfect!" Lou Ellen said, clapping her hands. "First thing about demigod magic, is that we have the ability to manipulate what we call in this part of the world: the Mist. That is something that helps the mortals— or muggles—ignore our existence."

Ron's eyes widened.  "Whoah! What we could do with that!"

Lou Ellen smirked. "This is basically bending reality kind of like how the reality stone did in the Marvel Universe."

"Huh?" Ron and Ginny said in unison.

Harry was almost as confused as them. He vaguely remembered bits and pieces of the Marvel Universe from Dudley's ramblings but he didn't remember everything.

"You can't make modern references to these three," Hermione said. "They don't know anything about what's going on in the muggle world. Harry might know the basics but nothing more."

"Well, we'll have to fix that this summer," Lou Ellen said as her siblings murmured in agreement. "Now, you need to be careful bending the Mist on some beings. It won't work for most magical persons, really powerful monsters, and even some demigods. Don't even bother trying on Percy; I tried that on him before he left camp and he caught me."

There were some snickers at that.

"She had cold showers for a week," someone whispered to Harry.

It took him a second to remember that Percy Weasley was also Percy Jackson, who could manipulate the water around him. And apparently, even the temperature. Harry made a mental note to stay away from any pranks the twins planned around Percy. He suddenly recalled the days after he learned about when they put dragon dung in his inbox before the World Quidditch Cup and how the twins complained about their shoes always being wet when they went outside even though it hadn't rained in almost a month. If he thought hard enough, he could see Percy's smug face when they went to tell Molly.

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