Chapter 8: Another Bad Idea

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"What did you do?" I asked, getting up in preparation to-what? Run? Will I need to? Do I want to know what she did?

"Nothing much," she said innocently. Her smile was one not unlike my brothers and the Stolls when they planned something. Like my hair dye.

"Have you been hanging around the twins and the Stolls?" I asked, suddenly panicking.

"Nooooooo..." she trialed off still with that frightening smile on her face.

"I'm doomed," I fell back on my bed, covering my head with the blankets.

All through breakfast the next day, I was worrying about my first class back after all those inspections. If there was one thing I learned about Penelope Clearwater, it was that she had a fun side that only came out when I didn't want it to. Last time it happened, I had a report due on the education of the younger wizarding children not old enough for Hogwarts. I was concerned that eleven year olds were being asked to write up entire essays just starting school.

I was worrying so much all during Professor Trelawney's class I hardly noticed when she predicted my death. I only noticed when I heard someone (Ron)whisper that she only ever predicted Harry's death.

I stayed after to talk to Trelawney after everyone left. Which, for the record, was the worst idea I've ever had.

"You've been working here for 16 years?" I asked calmly. A standard question that was on the list for every teacher. I only asked again because it sounded familiar for some reason.

"Yes," she said warily.

"She asked you to make a prediction?" I asked, this time, looking incredulously down at the clipboard I was holding.

"Well, that's ridiculous," I said, not giving her a chance to say anything and looked back up at the teacher. I was unsure where to focus my gaze, Her hair was all over the place and she had all sorts of scarves and hair ornaments hanging from it. Her wide rimmed glasses made her glasses look so much bigger than normal. "Anyone could have just predicted something believable for that to-"

"Death comes to the Half-blood hidden. No longer reigns the one he hates the most. All will see and mourn, their brother in ams no more..."

I was frozen for about a second but then I bolted.

Not again, not again. No way in Hades am I doing that again.

Halfway down the stairs, I stopped. A sigh of resignation escaped my lips. I'm doing this again, aren't I? This is my life. Prophecies and quests.

🦁            🦁

That day, during my first class of the day, I had to go over what Penelope taught them. Fortunately it was nothing more than dodging.

Unfortunately that was the class with Clarisse.

"Somebody want to teach me something new?" She near growled. She was getting bored with the curriculum.

Also unfortunately, I had a sudden mischievous feeling take over.

"Oh, no," Penelope said. "Percy, no! Bad idea, what would Aunt H say?"

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