Chapter 3: The Grave Yard

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"Arthur-I've been so worried, so worried-" she embraced Arthur first then pulled away, tears falling. "You're all alright," she muttered. "You're alive...oh, boys..." She pulled the twins in next then moved on to the others.

When she got to me, she whispered. Thank you in my ear. She'd obviously been told I'd saved them by Arthur. He always exaggerated that way. One time, we had gone out on a family outing before Hermione or anyone else got here and I killed off some hellhounds that had sniffed me out. Arthur was the only one there besides Ron, Ginny and Fred and George. That was the first time I had accidentally revealed myself.

I just pulled her in for a tighter squeeze.

Later, at work, I saw a sea of red come heading one the direction of my desk. I've been told those were howlers.

I groaned and pounded my head on my desk. "This is going to be a very long day," I muttered.

The days leading up to the third trial for the Tri-Wizard Tournament were getting crazy when my boss, Mr. Couch disappeared. I knew something was up so I decided to head quickly over to Hogwarts in order to take care of it. Dumbledore allowed me to come and take over Mr. Couch's responsibilities under the pretense that he had some family business to take care of. light of the information Hecate brought me, wasn't far off.

Turns out his son-the Death Eater(horrible name by the way)- took revenge earlier than we all thought. Moody was looking too smug and cheerful for it not to be him.

I was just heading to the Great Hall for some breakfast when Ron, Harry and Hermione saw me.

"Hey, Percy!" Ron called just before I entered the Hall. "What happed to Mr. Crouch? He's not coming anymore."

I sniffed in annoyance. Both at my character and at my dear brother for only being the hundredth person to ask me that question already today. That Skeeter woman is incredibly annoying. "As I have just told the Daily Prophet, Mr. Crouch is just taking a well deserved break. He sends regular owls with instructions and no, I have not actually seen him but you would think I'd recognize my own superior's writing. Now, I have quite enough to do even without trying to stop these ridiculous rumors, good day," I said snobbishly before entering the Hall, grabbing a scone and some bacon and leaving again.

Yeah, I know. That was rude but hey, Percy Weasley is a slightly-alright, very rude person. As much as I hate to admit it.

I have indeed been getting letters of instruction from a Mr. Crouch. Problem is, since he's dead, it would have to be from Moody since he is his son in disguise.

Now I need to send an owl to the office for a report but my owl, who I named Hermes, happens to be on his way to Molly and Arthur. So I need to get to the school's Owlery and borrow one of their owls. As I was walking up the steps of the tower, I heard voices coming from the room. Then a door burst open.

"What are you doing here?" I could tell that was one of the twins and Ron.

Then, much to my amusement, both Harry and the other twin said, "Sending a letter."

"What at this time?" I recognized Hermione's tone and decided to wait outside until one of the parties left. Preferably the one with a miniature Annabeth.

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