Chapter 10: Grimauld Place

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"Maybe I should just tell them I've been pretending to hate them. That I still love them and want to be a part of the family..." I sighed again. "I don't know."


That wasn't Penny.

Swiping the IM away, I turned to open the door to see my brothers and sister in the door way.

"How much of that did you hear?"

"Why?" Ginny asked suspiciously.

"So I know how much I need to put in the jars," I answered, looking around the room as if it would tell me where I put them. I can't believe I lost them. I started patting down my non-existence pockets on my pajamas.

"What are you talking about, Percy?" Ron asked, clueless.

"Your memories," I answered, still patting down my pockets and looking around the room. "You may be ready for the truth but I know I certainly am not. Now here in Zeus' name did I-"

"I sensed that you forgot something so I came up," the voice I was needing at the moment said. "What are you looking for, Perce?"

"The jars," I said, now looking under the bed for some inexplicable reason. "They walked in on me talking to Triton."

Penelope sighed exasperatedly. "Really, Percy?" She brought out her wand and waved. "You're a wizard, remember? And we've talked about you being more careful."

"I know," I said, abashed. "Now, quick, do the thing before the twins get any smart ideas."

"George, did Percy just-" Don't be fooled, that's George.

"I think he did, Fred." And that's Fred.

"What?" I asked, trying to keep them talking so Penny can get their memories.

"You called us smart!" They both said.

"I never said that!" I protested even as Penelope went behind them and erased their memories of the last five minutes. "Why did you come up here?" I asked now so it would seem like we were talking about something else. Penelope got all of them, just in time too because Harry and Hermione had followed Penny up.

"We wanted to know why you really came here with us," Ginny said.

Dog gammit. She's the observant one.

"I told you," I sniffed. "Dumbledore made an executive decision to-"

"Fine," Ginny huffed, stomping her foot. "I don't know why I tried. For a second, I thought you actually cared about Dad and the rest of us!"

I stayed silent as the boys followed Ginny as she stomped down stairs again. My brothers sending me disappointed looks as well as Harry and Hermione. Harry was the last to go, throwing back a comment that shook me to the core.

"You know, you should be grateful you still have your family," he said. "They could be taken at any moment. If, by any chance you really do care, let them know before it's too late."

Penny didn't say anything after they left, which I was grateful for; I needed to think.

Harry Potter certainly knew how to make you feel guilty. Well, more guilty than before.

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