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It's been several days since Percy Jackson had left camp. Several days since he had decided he would have nothing to do with any of them. Now Percy is creating a new life for himself. A new life to help the people in a completely different world.

I suppose I don't need to tell you what happened. So many things like this have been written about, it's pointless to keep giving you pain by retelling the story in such detail. However, you need to know what happened to explain why Percy changed the way he did. You need to understand that he did what he needed to do.

You need to know and yet you don't want to.

It will just make you pity the man you've come to know as a 'Ministry-loving, family-disowning, power-hungry moron.' You don't want to feel sorry for that arrogant, pompous git and of course you don't feel sorry for him when the twins locked him in a pyramid in Egypt. Yet, did you know that never happened?

Percy Weasley was never prefect, was never even Molly and Arthur Weasley's son.

Oh, now you want an explanation.

I suppose it is only fair we start at the very beginning. A very good place to start. When you read, you begin with ABC's. When you sing, you begin with Do Re Me. When you tell the tale of Percy Jackson's betrayal, well...normally you'd begin with what either really happened or the effects of what everyone thought happen (which is normally incorrect).

As you know, Percy was betrayed. But it was only by one person-two if you count that Robert guy. I don't. In order to be betrayed, one needs to be friends with the one doing the betrayal. Percy wasn't. Did no even know the boy. No, it was Annabeth whom had betrayed him.

I guess you already know that but what you don't know is what everyone else did. Or didn't do.


Annabeth was the only one to do so and was just as confused as Percy when they realized that no one- not even Camp Jupiter- remembered Percy Jackson, son of Poseidon. Two time savior of Olympus, defeater of Kronos and Gaea etcetera, etcetera, etcetera.

Fortunately, the gods remembered and were just as confused. Even Dionysus, which was quite a feat. He had no mother to remember him anymore because Sally and Paul were dead. A random mortal shooting. They guy was literally out of his mind and was sent to an asylum. Percy honestly felt bad for the man.

As you probably figured already, Annabeth eventually just up and left Percy for someone everyone actually knew. Which is where Robert came in. I won't go into details but needless to say, Percy and Annabeth weren't a thing after that.

These are all things you already know. Let's start with what you don't know as of yet. With what made Percy Jackson, Percy Weasley.

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Percy left the Olympian throne room with a sigh. The gods had promised to figure out what to do and how to fix the problem at camp. In the mean time, he would have to push through it.

Only problem, Percy had no intention of 'pushing through it'. He'd been 'pushing through it' for months now.  It would have been longer too if it were not for Hestia, aka, the small girl at the camp fire every night.

One thing was certain, Percy would never go back to camp. Not unless it was absolutely necessary. He would join the military, live on the streets, something. Maybe he'd find Annabeth's cousin and see if he would take him in somehow. He could beg Artemis to take him in. He could stay in a tent completely separate from the others. He'd do chores, cook food, anything. Anything but going back to camp.

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