Chapter 4: Preparation for Fifth Year

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A creepy figure stepped out of the darkness holding a bundle of robes. If I didn't know any better, I'd think that was a baby or small child. It stopped by a towering head stone and Harry screamed out in pain, his hands reaching for his scar.

Then a hiss, "Kill the spare."

If the situation weren't so dire, I'd be offended.

"Avada Kedavra!"

A flash of green light and all I saw was black.

Don't worry, I didn't die, Hecate made sure of that. I don't know how she did it but somehow, she made it so all killing curses aimed at me had absolutely no affect. Well, she did say that in theory, it wouldn't work on me anyways-just knock me out- but we didn't want to risk it. Instead Hecate did something to the spell so it would only be a green light. So I had to fall down dramatically and pretend to be dead. Fortunately, I was related to Zeus so that wasn't a problem.

What was a problem, was that I fell down next to Harry, just within eye sight so I had to not blink the entire time he was staring at me in disbelief. I waited for the hooded figure to get Harry then relaxed and very slowly, moved my face so I could see clearly what was going on. I couldn't do anything to get Harry out of there until some guy called Voldemort got resurrected so I waited.

All I could really see was the hooded figure tying Harry to some head stone so tightly, that he couldn't move. I managed to hear Harry's astonished exclamation of "You!" before something was stuffed in his mouth. Then he walked out of sight.

The bundle the short figure had been carrying lay at the base of the grave stone Harry was tied to. It was stirring restlessly, as if trying to get out. Then, another movement caught my eye and I saw a massive snake circling the grave. Now I could hear heavy breathing and the figure came back, dragging a huge cauldron to the foot of the grave.

It was full of some sort of liquid I could tell was definitely not water. The bottom burst into flames and the reaction confirmed what I already knew. Water does not give off fiery sparks when heated.

"Hurry," I think that voice came from the bundle at the base of the head stone.

"It is ready, Master," the figure said.

"Now," the voice was cold and slightly high pitched.

The figure unwrapped the robes-I think, if Harry's muffled and disgusted yell was anything to go by. I wasn't able to see anything but a deformed figure of a child before the weird man I could see that looked slightly rat-like moved and put it in the cauldron where I assumed it sunk to the bottom.

Then Rat-guy started talking, "Bone of the father, unknowingly given, you will renew your son!" Some dust flew out of a grave and into the cauldron.

"Flesh-of the serpent- w-willingly given-you will revive your master," No. please don't tell me he's going to-yep. He did it. He cut off his right hand and it plunked right into the big pot. I hardly felt sorry for the idiot as his screams rent the night air.

"B-blood of the enemy...forcibly will resurrect your foe," I couldn't see what he did to Harry but I could only guess it was taking some blood. He moved away and saw a new gash on his arm. Why he didn't just go for Harry's already bloody leg, I'll never know. It just seemed like an unnecessary amount of drama to me.

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