Chapter Fifty- Two

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Since the incident early that morning, Colette found that the queen often distanced herself from her. It was subtle but she saw it. It was almost as if the woman was avoiding a conversation or avoiding guilt by shutting herself in her ceremonial chambers but that new day Colette decided to change that.

She marched herself over to Adira's office to talk but before she could barge right in, she paused to eavesdrop on a particular conversation that intrigued her.

"Who else knows about the unrest?" Adira's voice could be heard asking and it in Colette heard her exhaustion and her concerns and it made her sad that she didn't realize sooner that maybe the woman was just tired.

"Most of the revenants from the north heard a word or two but you know how news travels. Some have taken it upon themselves to investigate, some even to retaliate."

"No, no we don't need any of them to do anything and I want you to tell them that, okay? There are to be no vigilantes, no lone-wolf playing mitigator or any of those sorts of things. No fighting anyone, I will fix it."

"Yes, your majesty,"

"Good, how long ago did they say the attack was?"

"Two days ago, they weren't sure how to break the news to you sooner."

Her majesty ignored the notion that her men chose to hide the incident from her and for two whole days. Was she mad? Yes, but she understood their fear at times, she could be insufferable if she wasn't too careful about it.

"Where?" That was all she mumbled.

At this point Colette eased the door open, her bright emerald eyes peeking through the crack and just there at the desk, she saw McLean pull out a little map, placing it down in front of the queen.

"Right here," he pointed and Adira sat back into her seat, casually twirling the large skull ring on her index finger around and around while her eyes stayed fixed on the map.

"What did the revenants say, those who were witnesses?"

"That it appeared to be three rogue vampires, they went into the establishment and they started picking fights with all the revenants and it ended when they were forcefully kicked out. It was said that they returned later that night, vandalizing the place,"

"I want you to send a message to the vampires, to their elders, their potentates, whatever: have them talk to their kind before this situation gets worse."

"Yes, your majesty,"

There was a pause and in this silence, Colette took it as an invitation, inviting herself in. Both older people gazed in her direction and at the sight of her McLean bowed. It was the third time since she'd woke up to her powers that she realized the man did that. Colette wasn't sure if it was out of respect now that she was legit a member of the queen's inner circle or something more complex, but she didn't like that he treated her that way. She wanted him to see her as her normal, human self, she was more used to that.

"Miss Rivers," he said and she gave him a tight smile.

"Colette, is everything alright?" The queen was up in her seat, pulling the girl's arm so that she stood at her side.

"I'm fine."

"Then what is it, are you feeling unwell?"

"No, but I was eavesdropping on the conversation and before you say that I had no right, I do. I'm a part of this now so I feel like I should know things and not be excluded."

The room went quiet again but she could see both individuals wavering her statement in their heads.

"That's true,"

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