Part 17

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When I woke up from my temporary unconsciousness, the only person in the room was Justin. He was snoozing on the uncomfortable, worn-out, leather hospital chair. Gosh, he looked so cute when he was asleep. Now that he knew I would kill myself for him, I might as well have been open-minded in my thoughts. Feeling much less drowsy, I stood up, paying mind that there was no IV in my arm anymore. I walked over to Justin to find a white rose in his lap. Completely unaware that it could mean anything more than friendship, I plucked it out of his hands and accepted it as a "get well" present.

"It's beautiful" I whispered while grabbing his hand, praying he was still asleep.

I'm not sure whether it was my recent lack of proper conscience or actual feelings, but I leaned over and kissed him on the cheek. I decided if he knew, I could blame it on the alcohol and medicine even though the effects had long since been worn off.

He mustve been dreaming happily because as I was walking back to my bed I caught a glance of him grinning in his sleep. I brushed off the idea that he could've been awake when I kissed him and drifted back into a deep sleep.

At the first bird chirping, I awakened. I'd had so much rest that I was energized and ready to go home. I was also wishing for a normal conversation because my lack of speaking made me thirsty to talk. I looked around to still find only Justin in the room. He was beginning to stretch around and rustle in his seat, clearly waking up with agitation from the hard leather he'd been forced to sleep against.

"You didn't have to stay the night." I said, thankful for his company.

"Yes, I did." he said a whole lot less content than I was.

"Why do you say it like that?" I questioned.

He frowned and explained. "Your mom was ashamed of your actions. She left. But, I couldn't bear to leave you alone."

My mouth formed an O shape and I felt a tear run down my face. If I wasn't asleep, I was crying. Never failed.

He walked over and sat on the edge of the bed.

"I'm taking you to a care facility for people that have committed self harm." He slurred in his morning voice, with a hand lovingly on my shoulder.

I was puzzled. "Why?! You know I didn't try on purpose. I didn't know what I was doing! You cant do this to me-" He cut me off by placing his pointer finger on my lips.

"The hospital is making me. I have no choice. I heard you talking in your sleep, I know what you did and why."

My eyebrows creased in curiosity and I nodded for him to continue.

"You were asleep and you were talking to me and your deceased dog, you kept whispering that you would cross over with us. You kept saying you would follow us. You said you wanted to because you loved me." and with that he moved his hand from my shoulder to wipe the droplet away from my eye.

"I know what you did was only because of the dream. I know that you had no idea I was still alive... But, I think part of this is my fault. I'd just been so nervous to talk to you ever again. I thought if you forgot about me, things would get better for you. I'd already put you through enough traumatizing expiriences, I figured that after your dog died you really couldn't stand anymore with me around." He spoke softly.

"But I needed you. You were the only other person I trusted besides Jessie." I worded like a question.

"I know that now." He gulped.

"Are you hiding something from me?" I inquired, being mezmerized by his deep stare.

"Remember when we were in the car going to my place and I said I liked someone?" he quizzed.

I nodded and he continued. "It's you." he rambled quickly, looking at the ground in embarrassment.

"Wh-what?" I choked.

"You caught my eye as soon as I met you. I couldn't stop thinking about you during the school day. When I saw you at my car, I felt my first butterflies. I knew you would be there for me, not for my fame. The way your eyes twinkle when you blush," he said wiping another tear and gazing into my orbs. "the way you talk to me like I'm just another person, the way you care for others... enough to put your own life at stake." He paused. "I don't know... you're just... perfect."

I swiftly wrapped my weak arms around him and pulled him into a tight hug. I never wanted to let go. But when I did, I was sure to say something.

"You're just perfect, too." I smiled.

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx End Of Chapter xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Anyone surprised? Lol, probably not. I sometimes doubt my cliffhanging skills. :D But, I have 6 votes and hit 100 reads, so I guess the story's pretty good so far.... Thank you all for the support and don't forget you can contact me on @strxtfordlarry... I love you guys!!!

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