Part 21

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After a 5 minute argument with Jessie, she decided to let me go by myself. I felt my body go numb with each step towards the door. The house was still just as magnificent as how it was a couple weeks before.

I made it to the porch and forced my perspirating knuckles to knock on the door. It was a fairly warm October day, and my stress only added to the amount of sweat on me. But, why was I so nervous? Did I like him that much? It's not like he liked me... I was just another drop in the bucket of girl's that he'd made feel special.

During the scrambling of thoughts in my head, I realized nobody was showing up at the door. It was eerily quiet. I began to fidget with my nails, scraping at the red nail polish that had looked great just a few days previous. I swayed onto my toes, then my heels, my toes, then my heels. Anticipation. Waiting. For a sound. For the door to open. For even a bird to chirp. Silence loomed.

Looking around for something to entertain me while I hoped for someone to answer my knocking, I notice Jessie in the car playing on her phone... Surprising? nope. Then my eyebrow raised at a car I hadn't noticed before. A silver Ford Escape. Justin definitely wouldn't drive that; maybe it was Pattie's?

I heard the door creak open and a familiar giddy voice.

"Hello?" said Pattie.

I turned around. "Is Justin home?"

"Oh, it's Fall, right?" I nodded. "And yes he's inside. I have no clue why he didn't answer the door. Probably listening to music or something..." She grinned. "I heard you knock, but I was in the shower. You must've been waiting for 10 minutes or so!" I observed her glance at the Ford Escape with a confused expression. I couldn't figure out just who's it was... but I think she knew. She gestured me inside.

They had new curtains along with a large painting on the wall to match the ruby colors. Did they renovate that often?

"Have you eaten lunch?" Pattie questioned with her usual friendly grin.

"No, but I don't expect to be here long. My friend is waiting in the car. Thanks for the offer though." I grinned back.

"Ok. Well, let me know if you change your mind. Justin should be in his room. 3 doors down to the right." she pointed down a hallway.

"Thanks." I mumbled while my heart skipped a few beats. Why did he make me so flustered?

I didn't knock, mainly because my mind was just blank and I'd completely forgotten to. I now regret that desicion... because I might not have seen what I did......... My jaw practically hit the floor, my mouth had went so wide.

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx End of Chapter xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

I hope my cliffhangers are getting better (: So... what do you think she saw? I'll try to update again later! -Ry

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