Part 22

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"What the hell?!" I screamed. I probably shouldn't have, because Pattie would've heard... but at this point I was acting purely out of instinct.

Her eyes inspected me like I was a flea. Justin looked at me sympathetically... like he regretted her being there. They were kissing. Mouth to mouth. Hands entangled in her hair. There was no denying it. My whole body was acting by itself, my mind only jumbled in the actions. I turned and ran. I wanted out of that house. And I never wanted to go back. I was still trying to remember what I'd seen, but I don't think my mind was accepting of that memory. It wasn't willing to let me recall what had just happened.

I glanced at a worried Pattie before stumbling out of the door. I collapsed on the porch. My head wasn't letting me think, let alone move, properly. I laid there crying. I'd rather have had the dream be reality than this. I overheard some yelling amongst my sobs and then a figure stormed out of the door, knocking the metal into me. I'm sure it cut me, but I couldn't feel anything but the constant flow of hot tears rolling down my face. She slammed the door of the Escape. and angrily sped away.

The front door opened again. This time it was Justin. I gave him a look that told him to fuck off, but instead he dared to place a hand on my shoulder. I smacked it off and ran towards the car, finding a stunned Jessie staring at me in awe. I hopped in and slammed the door.

"Are you ok?" she asked with confused eyebrows.

I simply shook my head no and longingly glared at Justin as we backed out of the driveway, noticing he had a bloody nose. She must've hit him. Jessie kept mumbling forgotten words. Although I wasn't answering any of her continuous questions, I was appreciating her filling the silence. Her voice tends to calm me down, odd as it might seem.

She stopped rambling when she heard my phone ringing. It was Justin. As I contemplated answering, Jessie jerked the phone out of my hand.

"Hello, this is Jessie and I'd like to know why the hell my best friend is crying right now." she said forcefully and promptly. She pressed speaker.

"Yeah, uh... I'd like to explain." the other end raspily spoke.

"Go on!" she yelled.

"I'd like to explain to her." he replied, trying to hold back an attitude.

"Yeah! You're on speakerphone!" she kept yelling.

"Jessie, give me the phone and calm down." I whispered, hoping Justin wouldn't hear.

"Ok... I'll just explain and hope you're telling me the truth about being on speakerphone." he paused and took a deep breath. "So, Selena kept texting me this morning saying she left too much unsaid. I ignored her. Three hours later, she just barged into my house. She just came right into my room! Anyways, she started crying and I kind of just stood there, puzzled. I didn't want to comfort her, let alone look at her. She was the one that dumped me anyways... She went on and on about how she truly loved me even though it was a publicity stunt. I still never felt the same way. In my eyes, she was just some pretty-faced Disney star that loved the fame. But she still went on about how she wanted to be normal and what not. It was quite annoying to be honest. As she was ranting, she went over to the window and stared out while she was talking. I wasn't sure why... I figured she was just mimicking something she'd seen in a cheesy romantic comedy or something. I didn't know you'd came. After finishing her speech, she went over and stood by the door. I heard you knock and I told her to move but she refused. She said the only way she'd move is if I told her I loved her. I denied her so she just kept standing there. I didn't want to shove her away because that would be impolite. When my mom started talking to you, she came over to me and just started kissing me. She was pulling my head in and forcing everything. My hands were in her hair because I was trying to pull her away from me. I have no idea how her scalp was so strong. I pulled as hard as I could... but you opened the door. When you ran away, I started shouting at her to leave and she was like "You bastard!". She swung at me as hard as she could and she missed the first time. The second time she made my nose bleed and she ran away. It's ironic because she was the true bastard." He waited for a reply. Jessie and I both sat silent. He hung up.

"What now?" Jessie said as we were both surprised.

"We ignore him." I replied.

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx End of Chapter xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

You don't understand how badly I want to have feedback. None of you are commenting! :( I just want to know what you guys think... Anyways, I haven't given a shoutout to my twitter in a while so go follow me at @strxtfordlarry! Love you to all who vote/read/fan! :D I'm still trying to do better with updating, so be patient...

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