Chapter 3

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Luke's POV

We were just sitting around, each of us doing something different. Julie was messing around with the keys on the piano, Reggie was trying to write another country song, and I was working on a new song. It wasn't for the band, otherwise I would have included the others.

This one was different from every other song I'd written because it was a love song. I always tried block love out, because I thought it would distract me from my music. What I didn't know, was that there was someone who was just as passionate about music as I was and who I could be crazy about.

I got frustrated, unable to figure out the pre-chorus, so I just moved onto the chorus.

The truth is finally breaking through
Two worlds collide when I'm with you
Our voices rise and soar so high
we come to life when we're

I felt like someone was watching me, so I slammed my book shut. I looked up and saw Reggie standing there smirking. This should be good.

"Can I help you?" Hopefully, he would leave it alone.

"Were you writing a love song?" Reggie asked, still smirking.

"I--no! W-why would you think that?"

"Yes, you were! Was it about Julie?" I looked around, and didn't see anyone else in the studio. I let out a sigh of relief, glad that Julie hadn't heard that.

"It was! Julie left a few minutes ago. Something about Flynn needing her help or something?" Reggie paused for a moment, thinking about why Julie had to leave. Ignoring him, I got up and picked up my acoustic guitar. I began messing around, trying to figure out how to best open the song.

"Oooh, the acoustic, this should be fun." I rolled my eyes as Reggie fell back onto my couch. Just then, Alex came into the studio. I looked up at him with concern, he had been gone for hours, who knew what he was doing.

"Is everything okay?"

"Ye-I don't know. I don't know if everything's okay, because the one reassurance I need to tell me that everything is okay, is missing." Alex said, struggling to compose himself.

"Maybe I can help?" I watched as Alex turned around to see Willie standing there, skateboard in one hand, helmet in the other. I smirked as Alex hugged Willie tight enough to kill a man. I chuckled at the heartwarming sight and realized that maybe I should just be honest with Julie about my feelings towards her.

Julie's POV

I walked into the kitchen, to see my dad with some woman I had met only a few times. They were covered in flour and laughing, having lots of fun. Unsure of what to do, I bolted out of my house and to the first place that came to mind. Unfortunately, that place happened to be Carrie's.

Carrie's POV

I laid on my bed, scrolling through social media, when I couldn't help but notice how much Julie has been popping up on my feed. Ever since her performance at the Orpheum, she has been getting more and more famous. Strangely, it made me realize just how much I missed being friends with her.

I wanted to have a fresh start with Julie, and I guess that's why I went to her house party. I even stood up after her performance at the Orpheum, because as much as I would have hated to admit it, she was really good.

I noticed something out of the corner of my eye and let my curiosity get the better of me. I walked over to my window, and noticed that Julie was standing outside the gate, doing absolutely nothing. Curious, I went out to go talk to her, not even bothering to tell my dad. It wasn't like he cared anyway.

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