Not a chapter, just an update

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Hey, sorry I haven't posted in a while. I started writing 3 drafts for chapter 11 all of which ended up in the trash😔

I've been really busy lately, getting my house ready for showings and packing things up to move that I haven't been able to do as much writing as I've wanted to. Along with my overly busy schedule, I have had a massive creativity drain, and find myself unable to do anything artistic, and have been very unmotivated.

Im working past that though and I promise chapter 11 will be out as soon as I get it done. I've been working through the night the past couple of days to finish it and make it as perfect as I can get it, but you might wanna grab a few tissue boxes because it's very emotionally draining.

The video attached just happened to be what I was listening to in my playlist, and has nothing to do with the story or this.

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