Chapter 15

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The next week

Julie's POV

I go into the studio to work with Luke on songs like we planned, but when I get here, the only one inside is Reggie. I knew he and Flynn broke up, but I didn't know Reggie was hurting this much. He's sitting on the floor with his head down, and wearing the same clothes he was wearing last week. 

"Reg? Can we talk?" I ask, walking over to him carefully. He turns his head slightly to look at me, but then turns back to his previous position without saying a word, so I decide to take his silence as a 'yes.'

"I, uh, heard you and Flynn broke up..." I start

"And you came to yell at me too?" He asks, his voice slightly shattered. I know I should be mad at him, but hearing him sound so hopeless made me feel so bad for him. I know he didn't mean for Flynn to get hurt, which is probably the worst part.

"No, actually. I was just wondering how you're doing. Break ups aren't the easiest thing." I say, hoping to come off as sympathetic.

"Oh. Well I guess you know now." He says, playing with the floor.

"Do you wanna talk about it?" I ask. He shakes his head but then goes to his bass and starts to play a melancholy tune that turns into one of anger and sadness . It's like he's screaming in pain, and I don't know how to help him. Reggie starts to cry and stops playing. I quickly go over to him and hug him tightly, letting him sob into my shoulder. I feel my phone vibrate, trying to tell me I have a call. I ignore it and start rubbing circles on Reggie's back to soothe him like my mom used to do for me. Eventually, he calms down and sits on Luke's couch.

"I just, I feel like I'm lost. I have one thing, but when I go after another, everything falls apart. It's been this way my entire life. I don't know what to do or how to get it to stop, but it feels like I'm living in constant agony."

"I'm so sorry, Reggie. I can't imagine how you must be feeling."

Carrie's POV

I hear Trevor come in and slam the door behind him, screaming in excitement behind him. Must've just finished a new song and released it. WAIT! I sign into my music app and see that he's released a new song. Julie had mentioned a song of Luke's that Trever also knew, and now Trevor has a new song? It can't be a coincidence. I quickly call Julie, but she doesn't pick up. I try two more times before deciding to just go find her myself.

I grab my purse and stuff my phone and keys in there as I run out of the house not talking to Trevor before I leave. I can't deal with him right now. Once I get in, I turn on the car and leave for Julie's house.

When I get there, I park the car and turn it off, running inside after locking it. I don't see Julie anywhere but I do see Alex.

"Carrie? What are you doing here?" He asks, walking over.

"I need to talk to Julie about something. Do you know where I can find her?"

"I think she and Luke are out in the studio working on songs, but I would be careful. I think Reggie's in there too. He's not in the best mood right now." Alex answers and I nod. I go out to the studio, unaware that someone is behind me.

"Julie? Can we talk?" I ask when I see her in the studio. She turns around and looks at Reggie. He nods and poofs away.

"What's going on?"

"So, um Trevor released a new song, and I think it may be the one you were telling me about before." She looks at my phone to see the song I'm talking about and her eyes widen.

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