Chapter 14 Part 2 of 2

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Eliza Peters Returns

A/N: Y'all about to hate me by the end of this...enjoy, IG?

Julie's POV 

I take Flynn into the kitchen to try to help her calm down but don't really know if I can do that. Once she gets upset, it's pretty hard to calm her down.

"Flynn, look at me. It'll be okay. I'm sure there's a perfectly reasonable explanation for all of this. Don't jump to conclusions." I try to reason with her but she can't hear me because she's too upset right now. I sigh, going to a nearby cabinet. I grab the tissues we keep in there and hand her the box.

"What explanation could there be? You know, I should've known. I should've known he wouldn't want to be there with me for long but nice I started talking to my mom again. That's why I didn't want to do it! I would rather have a relationship with him than one with my mom!" Flynn says. Out of the corner of my eye, I see Luke try to come in, but glare at him and he backs away, hands raised in defense.

"Flynn, you don't mean that." I say, hoping she will see reason.

"You're right, I don't mean it. Not anymore. Now I'd rather have a relationship with my mom than with that two-faced ghost." She says defiantly, folding her arms and going out to the studio. I sigh and roll my eyes before going into the other room to find Luke.

"What are you hiding from Flynn and I?" I say, folding my arms as I stand in front of him. Luke looks up at me and sighs.

"I shouldn't tell you this, but before we all died, Reggie was very close with his sister. She'd always help him through their parents' abuse. Things got rocky when we went to high school. She offered to get him away from it all multiple times, but he always refused. He thought he had to stay and be loyal to his parents. A few months before we died, he tried to take her up on her offer, having finally had enough, but she turned away and never spoke to him again. He always felt like he messed up and still blames himself for not talking to her up until the point of our death. He blames himself for not taking her up on her offer and creating bad terms in the first place. Eliza's Reggie's sister." Luke explains. I sigh and take a seat in a nearby chair.

"But why is Reggie looking for Eliza?"

"He wants to try and fix things with his sister." Luke says, looking down for probably the first time in his life.

"Why didn't you just tell me that from the beginning?" I ask.

"You can't lie to your best friend, Jules. You two treat each other like sisters. It'd be wrong to expect you to do anything to jeopardize that." He states simply. Did I mention how amazing he is? I get up and go hug him tightly. He smiled sheepishly before pulling me closer to him, so my head is resting in the crook of his neck.

Just then, the front door swings open to reveal Reggie and an older looking woman. Luke noticed too, because he gets up. I almost fall over on the couch as he goes up to hug the woman tightly. I sit up to see her prying him off, almost unsuccessfully.

"I don't need another reminder of what happened." Is all she says.

"Oh, no. Luke and Alex came back when I did. I just don't know where Alex is right now." Reggie shrugs.

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