Chapter 13

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Carlos's POV

OK, so yesterday I may have overheard Julie telling Dad about her near death encounter and PTSD dream... I didn't mean to! It just happened when I was walking by Dad's office. Maybe I should talk to Julie about it. Yeah, I'll do that.

I look around the house for her and go out to the studio to see if she's in there. When I get there, I see her hugging Luke and somehow feel like I'm somehow intruding. I stay there for a moment before finally deciding to leave and give them some privacy. After all, Luke was crying.

I go back into the house-or well, try to at least-when I run into Reggie. I mean that literally. I sit up, now on the ground, and rub my head. I look up to see Reggie doing the same, but for some reason he almost looks-happy? I guess that's just the effect I have on people.

"Oh! Sorry about that little dude." Reggie stands up and offers me a hand, causing me to laugh. Not at him offering to help me up. I take that, I mean the 'little dude' part. I don't know when he came up with that but for the short time I've known him, he's always called me that.

"It's all good, I've always wanted to run into a ghost anyways." I joke. Hopefully he catches on, but from what Julie's told me about the guys, Reggie's not the brightest ghost in the afterlife.

"Okay. Well, I was actually looking for Luke. Thought he might be in the studio." Reggie moves around me and for a minute I don't think about the fact that Luke and Julie were just sharing a moment.

"Oh, ummm...I wouldn't go in there just yet. Unless you want to be grossed out by Julie and Luke sharing a moment..." Reggie doesn't get my drift, so I just decide to tell him the truth.

"Julie and Luke were sharing a uh...moment..." I say, trying to figure out how to put it, but just giving up in the end. Reggie's eyes widen before he calms down again. Not entirely sure what that was about but, well, yeah.

Reggie's POV

I decide to wait for Luke in Julie's house and see if he comes in and I just look around a little. I notice there's a lot of family photos. Most of them seem to be when Mrs. Molina was still alive. From the photos, I can tell she must've been a great mother. 

They were lucky to have her, and Flynn was too. Flynn never talks about Julie's mom with me, which is understandable. But based on what I know about how Ms. Jacobs used to be and how close Julie and Flynn are, Mrs. Molina practically raised Flynn too.

Today I think I got to know the real Ms. Jacobs, whether that was her intention or not. She truly cares about her daughter and was clearly very sick before. Now she's taken some important steps towards getting help and she and Flynn can have the mother-child relationship everyone wants. I only wish I could've been so lucky.


I'm sitting in the kitchen, basically just zoning out. I mean, what else am I supposed to do? My mom's giving me another one of her lectures about how stupid I am and how much of a disappointment I am to her. She constantly says she wishes I'd never been born, which does hurt but I mean I'm used to it by now. After dealing with this for fifteen years, if not longer, you tend to learn all the tricks they have. Which isn't very many. She usually says the same thing every time, tells me to get out because she doesn't wanna see me, and the next day it's like nothing ever happened.

End of flashback

"Reg, you okay?" Julie snaps her fingers right in front of my face, snapping me back to reality and I nod. Julie starts saying stuff, but I can't really pay attention. I keep thinking about how messed up my family is. If only I had someone in it that actually cared-WAIT! I do. And I.........pushed her away. I pushed my sister away. The only family member I had that still cared about my well being, and I pushed her away. I pushed Eliza away, and now I don't know if I can ever make it up to her.

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