Chapter 7

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A/N: I think this may be the saddest and most heartbreaking thing I've ever written, so get ready. Lots of emotions, angry, sad, I cried writing this...


Julie's POV

I brought Flynn up to the guest room so she could attempt to get some sleep. She'd exhausted herself from extensive crying and didn't want to be in the studio. I came downstairs and found my dad in his office messing around with his new camera.

"Hey dad? I have something important to ask you." I said, knocking on the already open door.

"What's up?"

"I was wondering if maybe you could try and become Flynn's legal guardian. I don't think she should live with either of her parents." I fiddled with my nails, nervous about how he would take this; I knew it wasn't my place to tell him what all was going on with Flynn but I had to. It was the only way he would at least think about it.

"Have you met them?"

"I met her mom the other day and she started yelling at Flynn for no reason," I pause to close the door. "She said her mom was the reason she was in such bad physical condition. Apparently her mom has been physically abusing her for years. It's not safe for her there, and she said her dad just abuses her verbally." I said, fighting back the urge to go and have a talk with her mom. Flynn told me not to do anything like that because it would only make things worse, but I can't just sit back and do nothing while my friend is in danger. It scared me to think about all the things that've happened to her. Even through her own problems, she stuck by me and watched me fall into depression about my mom, something I still don't think I'm completely out of.

"I will have to think about it Julie. I already have you and Carlos to take care of, and with me being away a lot for work, I don't think it would work out." I sat down in a nearby chair and thought about what he said for a moment. He made complete sense, he couldn't take care of a kid if he was never around. But then it hit me.

"What if you become the official cameraman for my band? Now that we've played the Orpheum, we'll be able to record and sell songs, so we'll start bringing in a lot of money. It's a steady career, and this way you could be home more." I said excitedly.

"You want to hire me? Julie that," he paused for a moment, before continuing. "I would love to be able to work with you, but I have to meet your band mates first. I can't take a job if I don't know everyone I'm working with. It's a standard procedure. If you get me to meet them, I can take the job and be here more for you and Carlos." I thought for a moment, would I need to tell him too? Aside from me and the guys, Flynn and Carlos already know, and I wasn't sure how well my dad would take it.

"I'll see what I can do. Thanks dad!" I got up and hugged him, before leaving for the studio. The whole way there, I couldn't stop thinking about what would happen if I told my dad. Would he send me back to my therapist? I hoped I could get him to believe me, but I honestly didn't know. Before I knew it, I was walking through the open doors of the studio to talk to the guys.

Reggie's POV

After Julie brought Flynn back into the house, I couldn't stop thinking about what Flynn was going through. Not only that, what I've had to go through.


"REGINALD! YOU WILL NOT DISOBEY ME!" My mom angrily yelled. What's worse was I didn't even know what I'd done wrong. All I felt in that moment was fear, nothing like the fear I'd felt in the past, fear for my life. My dad went and unlocked the top right drawer in his desk and pulled out a gun. He walked up to me and held it to my forehead. I prayed to god that I didn't mess this up even more than I apparently had.

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