Chapter 4

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Julie's POV

After Luke left, I made my way into the house and nobody seemed to be around. Thankfully. I carefully began to make my way upstairs when I heard someone clear their throat.

"You were out pretty late last night. Where did you go?" I turned around to see my dad standing at the bottom of the stairs with his arms folded. He had his 'google-maps face' on as Carlos liked to call it.

"I was at Flynn's."

"Carlos told me you said you'd be back before curfew. When you missed it, I called Flynn's mother. She said you weren't at her house, nor were you with Flynn." I started getting nervous. I didn't want him to know I was at Carrie's, and I definitely didn't want him to know I was there because of the woman.

I stayed silent, not knowing what to say.
I hoped I could figure out a convincing enough lie.

"Well? Look, we both hate having this conversation, I won't be mad. Just, please tell me the truth Julie."

"I went to Carrie's."

"Why didn't you tell me? I thought you didn't talk to Carrie anymore." My dad sounded unconvinced.

"I didn't tell you because," taking a deep breath, I decided to tell him the truth. There no way out of it. "Because I saw you and that woman in the kitchen. You two looked so happy and I didn't know how to react." He let a breath out and came up the stairs to where I was standing.

He paused for a moment and I didn't know what he was going to do or say.

"You were scared?" My throat tightened, and I couldn't speak. I felt tears forming in my eyes yet again and just nodded. He hugged me and I knew he was also crying. Shortly after, he pulled away and let his hands rest on my shoulders.

"Julie, I never meant to scare you or make you feel like I was replacing your mother. I never want to do that, you and Carlos make me feel like she's with us every day. I only want to let someone else in." I nodded, feeling a little better.

"I get how you feel and I'll let you know beforehand next time. How about we do something tonight? Just the two of us? I'll ask Tia if she can watch Carlos for the evening." I managed to calm myself down, just enough to say one word.

"Okay." I turned around and went into my room, closing the door. I set the recipe card Carrie gave me on my dresser and the bag of clothes on my bed. I walked over to my closet, grabbed the keyboard out from the floor, setting it on the carpet. I sat down and closed my eyes, letting my fingers pass over the keys to find the right first note. I started working on a new song, just for myself, not for the band. I didn't want to tell anyone about how I still haven't fully gotten over my mom's death, if at all.

I finished the song and decided to change clothes. I was wearing one of Carrie's extra outfits and it wasn't really my style, so I decided to put something on that was a little


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