Chapter 16

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Flynn's POV

"I didn't know you could play." I say after almost ten minutes of standing in the studio doorway, saying nothing.

"I learned shortly after going into the fifth grade. I used to love the guitar, but I always hid it from everyone because it didn't fit with the image I had to present." Carrie says, looking genuinely happy for the first time since we all 'drifted apart'.

"Why'd you stop?" I ask, going to sit down in one of the chairs.

"Because I felt like I wasn't supposed to. Like if someone found out, it could be really bad. That's what I've always done. I feel like maybe I've always been hiding my true self because I'm afraid that it's not what people want. It's not what I should be. I feel like everyone likes the version of me that's perfect and has no flaws." She explains. Even though Carrie and I aren't friends, I can't help but feel bad for her. It can't be easy going through life like that.

"I personally think that being yourself is much better than pretending to be something you aren't." Carrie smiles and I hug her tightly.

Julie's POV

I get home a little while later and it's already dark out. Crap. My dad's gonna be so mad. I try to sneak inside undetected, but it doesn't work. Charlotte catches me.

"There you are! I was looking for you. I thought you might be in your room but then you weren't there so I started searching the rest of the house." She says way too happily.
    "Because we are going to bond now." My eyes widen and my jaw drops. I did not expect that. How does she always manage to pick the WORST times to want to do stuff with me?

"Charlotte, look. I'm really sorry but some of my best friends are very upset right now and I really need to be there for them. I just came to pick up some stuff." Not wanting to hear Charlotte whine like a toddler, I move past her and go upstairs to grab a few things from my room. She tries to follow me, but I don't let her in. I grab some paper, pencils, a change of clothes, and go down to the studio to look for Reggie. Charlotte tries to stop me, but she has no strength whatsoever. I move past her easily and start making my way to the studio. Before I get there though, I see Reggie sitting on the steps.

"Hey, I was just looking for you. Come on, we're going somewhere." He looks up at me but doesn't question anything and poofs to my car. I go back inside and grab my keys before letting my dad know where I'm going.

"I'M GOING TO STAY OVER AT LUKE'S!" I yell out. It takes a minute, but he comes in and stops me before I leave.
    "Does he have an extra room?" He asks worriedly. He asks this every time, and the answer never changes.

"Of course he does, how else do you think he managed to stay sane while Flynn was living there?" I half joke. My dad rolls his eyes before telling me to have a good night. I run to my car, get in the driver's seat, and start going to Luke's place.

"So, uh where are we going?" Reggie asks me.

"To help a friend." I say. We pull up to the apartment complex Luke lives in and get out. I lock the car and Reggie follows me up to Luke's apartment.

    "Why are we going to see Luke?" He asks before the sound of something breaking answers his question.

"Oh." I knock on the door and wait for Luke to come and answer. He doesn't, so I knock again. Again, nothing. I try a third time, before we hear a muffled "go away." from inside. Not listening, I grab the key he gave me and unlock the door, letting myself and Reggie in. When we do get inside, we see a giant mess of furniture all over the place. It looks like a tornado came through here.

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