New member!

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The main spirit squad is doing some stuff. Achilles and Hyperion are playing chess. Helios is reading The Art of War and Dragon is sharpening his horns.

Valkyrie: Hey guys, I have great news!

Achilles: You finally accepted Spriggan's proposal?

Valkyrie: (blush) No you idiot! We have a new member of our squad!

Dragon: New member?

Valkyrie: Yep! You guys heard of Bell?

Helios: You mean that brat that looks like a fusion between the Asahi brothers and is obsessed with spooky things?

Valkyrie: Uhh...yeah, that kid. His bey will be joining us! Say hello to Belial!

Belial walks in. He has black and red hair, light blue eyes, pointy ears, a pair of black horns, pale skin and gold earrings. He's wearing a t-shirt similar to Bell's but it's black, red and yellow.

Belial: Hello. Name's Belial. My current vessel is Dynamite Belial and my master is Bell Daikokuten. Even if my master has a rivalry with your's, I hope we can be companions :)

Hyperion: Wait, Belial?!

Belial: Hyperion?!

They both run to each other and hug.

Hyperion, Belial: I HAVEN'T SEEN YOU IN AGES!!!

Achilles: Wait, you two know each other?

Hyperion: Yep! He was a good friend of mine WAY before we became beyblades.

Belial: Yeah, but we had to seperate cuz I was chosen to be the guardian of Tartarus.

Helios: Huh, I never thought that you'd be friends with a demon, father.

Valkyrie: Well, not all demons are devils.

Dragon: Hey there, newbie! Nice to meet ya! (offers a handshake)

Belial: Nice to meet you too! (shakes Dragon's hand)

Dragon: (feels something in his hand and when he opens his hand he sees a cockroach)


Belial: Hahahahahaah! Prank successful! 😂

Hyperion: Ah, still like the good ol days I see!

Achilles: Welp, good luck taking care of us, Valkyrie :D

Valkyrie: (sighs)

Helios: (pats her shoulder)

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