A little shenanigan with my OCs

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This is quite the rare thing for me because I've never made a skit with my OCs but...here we are.


A young teenage boy picked up the phone, "Hello?" he asked into it.

"Hey, what up, Joso?" an older but still somewhat young male voice spoke through. The man on the other side sounded nervous.

"Boncho? What's going on? Why're you whispering and why does it sound like there's something going on in the background?" through the phone, a lot of noise could be heard in the background as if the caller, Boncho was near a crowd.

"Uh...yeah, about that...I guess you're aware of what my old man can do, right?"

"Yeah, he can heal and restore things. What about it?"

"Let's just say he accidentally cut himself with one of those arrows and became the cure for cancer."

Joso nearly chocked his saliva. "He what?!"

"Ya heard me right. That's why I called. People from the WHO are knocking on our door for hours and they won't freaking leave! Mom and Dad are currently trying to stop'em from destroying the house and I'm here curled up in my closet like a hedgehog. For the love of God, please send help!"

Joso was too dumbfounded by the situation that the only thing he could say was, "Yare yare..."

Randomness with the Bey spiritsWhere stories live. Discover now