Why Cho-Z is dark

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So I've heard that Cho Z is considered the darkest season of BeyBurst.

Sure, Evolution has the Snake Pit but which one's worse, human experimentation or the fact that two children almost got crushed to death LIVE on TV? (actually the first one sounds way worse but screw it! BOTH ARE BAD!)

Not to mention the protagonist (Aiga) got corrupted for a few episodes! You know it's bad when the good MC turns evil.

And of course, there's Phi.

Holy crap.

That guy's nightmare fuel.

But then I noticed that, most of the main bladers in Cho-Z own beyblades that are based on Greek mythology.

 Aiga has Achilles, Hae-jin has Hercules (or Heracles, flip it, they're the same), Toko has Trident (usually associated with Poseidon), Evel has Egis (a legendary shield that usually depicts the Gorgon Medusa), Kyle has Kerbeus (Cerberus), Count Night has Eclipse (a fusion of the beys Apollo and Artemis), Heartz has Hades and lastly Phi has Phoenix.

Now, most of us know that Greek mythology is known for some pretty messed up stuff, usually involving Zeus's uncontrollable libido. 

We also have stuff like, Hercules killing his entire family (cuz Tartarus hath no fury like Hera scorned), Achilles losing his hetero-life partner and going ape-crap (and being a little rapey at times), every single lover of Apollo dying, the Olympian gods being overall jerks and so on.

Oh, and the amount of incest. Ugh. 

Maybe this's why Cho-Z's dark. The negative elements of Greek mythology are seeping into the series. Not to the point of having the adult themes (cuz this is targeted to kids) but it has enough negative energy to make the season really scary to watch at times.

Or maybe this just me and my crazy obsession with bey spirits and mythology and I've just been talking nonsense this whole time ✨✨😂😂

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