In New York~
Shu: Lane, there's something for you in the mail today!
Lane: Who's it from?
Shu: It's from Hikaru. (gives the package to Lane)
Lane: (thought) Huh, why would that rooster send something to me out of the blue? (opens the package and sees a letter)
Lane: What does this say?
Dear Lane,
Just want to say,Roses are red,
I'm blue,
As long as you live,
i'lL HaUnT yOu!!!
Heli- I mean, HikaruP.S. Here's a sweater that my father's mas- I mean, my brother made for that hedgehog of yours.
Lane: What the-
Lucifer: (in the beyblade) Honestly, Hyperion. When will your son stop? Can't he just accept the fact that Lane and the brothers are friends now!?
Harry: (squeaks) :3
At the Asahi Restaurant~
Hyuga: Hey big bro! Thanks for sending the package to Lane 😊
Hikaru: Huh? What?
Hyuga: Thanks for sending that package! Are you deaf or something?
Hikaru: But...I don't remember sending it. I was writing a letter to Lane and then suddenly, everything went black. Next thing I know is that I'm here.
Hyuga: Wha-