I want to...

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I ran.

I ran as fast as I could,

through the forest in the darkness of night.

I can't let him get to me. This cycle needs to end.

It felt like a living hell. Why can't he leave me be!?

Though, I understand his lust for my blood.

I did this to him. I turned him into this...this berserk monster.

Who thirsts for nothing but blood and victory.

I looked behind. He is close.

Very close.

I forced my legs with all my might to carry me far, far away.

Unfortunately, the big root of a tree didn't seem to favour my action.

I tripped and fell to the ground.

I turned around and saw him looming over me.

With his dark, glimming sword in his right hand. His blood-red hair covering his eyes.

He then kneeled down onto me and put his sword to my throat, pinning me to the ground. There's no escape.

With him close to me, I got a glimpse of his eyes.

They were a dark, almost alluring purple.

And I put those there. I placed those  menacing purple irises over his once golden ones.

Tears began to flood my eyes, desperate for mercy.

He then gave me a warm smile, but I knew that behind it was a crazed, power hungry maniac.

"Hey, Phoenix." he said my name.

"Say something. I want to hear you speak." he said. His words gave chills down my spine. It sounded sweet, with a tinge of insanity.

I spoke, fearing of what he might do to me if I didn't.

"I...I don't want to die..." I said between sobs. I want all of this to end. If only my master wasn't so cruel.

He let out a small humourless laugh, before speaking.

"And I...

...want to kill you, Phoenix."

That was the last thing I heard before everything went black, again.

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