At the store~
Valkyrie: (is out shopping for ingredients for the Aoi family)
Valkyrie: (notices someone she recognises) Eh, Ragnaruk!
Ragnaruk: (notices Valkyrie) Oh hey! Didn't expect to see you here.
Valkyrie: Ehe, I'm just doing the Aois a favour by helping them bake some bread. I bet you're here buying lollipops for your bladers.
Ragnaruk: (sighs) Not just lollipops. The Kiyamas are gonna have a family reunion soon so my list is kinda long. (Takes out a 1 meter long shopping list)
Valkyrie: Woah! So much stuff!
Ragnaruk: Yeah. At least we have enough cleaning equipment. But for that I also need a ton of hair gel.
Valkyrie: Uh, isn't that reserved for Ranjiro? What does hair gel have to do with cleaning?
Ragnaruk: We only have one broom and the brush gets messed up easily. Hair gel is the only thing that fixes it.
Valkyrie: Huh, makes sense, I guess.
Ragnaruk: Well, I need to get more stuff now. See ya later! (walks past Valkyrie)
Valkyrie: Bye!
Valkyrie: ...
Valkyrie: (thinking) Only one broom?! Hair gel?! Cleaning?! Is he implying that...!
As he walks away from Valkyrie, Ragnaruk dons a mischievous smirk.