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Lost Longinus

Longinus: Eh? Where's the mountain?! How am I suppose to get home?! (starts panicking)

Nightmare Longinus

Longinus: FEAR ME!!!

Other spirits: WAAAAH DON'T KILL US!

Bloody Longinus

Longinus: (walks into the castle covered in blood) Yo-

Helios: No! Not the carpets! Not the carpets!

Rage Longinus

Longinus: (moves chess piece) Check.

Dragon: Nope. (moves piece and traps the king) Checkmate:D

Longinus: REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!! (starts freezing everything and everyone around him)

Guilty Longinus

Longinus: I'M SORRY MY BLADER SCARRED YOUR BLADER, SPRIGGAN! I'M REALLY SORRY! IF ONLY LUI WASN'T SUCH AN ASSHOLE! (crying like a baby while prostrating before Spriggan)

Spriggan: Well ... at least you apologised....

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