Chapter 2 (Part Two)

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"Jin hyung, where are you?" Taehyung screamed as he is looking for Jin.
"I'm here at the garden."
"What are you doing?"
"I'm picking up the leaves. I will make something special tonight."
"Aren't you getting tired? In school, you are studying chemistry. And you are still mixing and combining inside your hideout."
"Once I had the perfect equations and solutions, this will make me rich, Taehyung-ah."
"But I missed you; you had no time for me." Taehyung hugged Jin from behind. He really loves to hug the Witch.
"Aigoo, the baby tiger is being clingy today. Alright, I'll cook dinner after I finished this one. Finish your homeworks."

Taehyung entered the house and sit on the couch. He saw a Rubix cube on the center table. He picked it up and started to rotate for color combinations. In just a few seconds, Taehyung matched the colors. He put it back on the table and started to out his books. In few months, he will be graduating from highschool and will go to college. And after college, maybe he can ask Jin Hyung if they can live together. Taehyung giggled. He is way too ambitious. Or he is just simple. He only wants Jin.

He saw his purple journal on his bag and started to write something.
Jin entered the living room and sit on the couch beside Taehyung.
"What is that?"
"My journal"
"I know. Every purple thing here belongs to you. I mean, what are you writing?"
"My travel bucket list."
"Oh, really. Why all of a sudden?"
"I'm graduating from high school soon and I will go to college. After college I wanted to go to places ive never been before."
"Care to share it with me?"
"Here, don't laugh at me. It's just a bucket list, okey?"
Jin read his list and smiled. "So you really want to travel around the world?"
"Yes. But on one condition."
"And what is the condition?"
"We will travel together."
Jin laughed and hugged Taehyung
"Do you think we can afford to pay for that? It's expensive, Vv."
"That's why you need to finish your magic potion so that you will become rich and buy me plane tickets." Taehyung hugged Jin back and kissed his cheek.
"Alright... Who am I to say no. but on one condition too."
"What is it my lovely witch?"
"Help me prepare our dinner."
"Your wish is my command."
And they went to the kitchen to prepare their dinner.

After eating dinner, they went to the living room and watch a movie. Taehyung rummaged his refrigerator and took a suspicious looking bottle.
"Hyung is this wine? Can I have a taste?"
"Alright, but you can drink just three shots okay?"
"If I get drunk, I can sleep in here, why bother Hyung?" Taehyung winked at Jin.

These past few days, that they are not seeing each other often, this night is considered precious. But when Taehyung uses his V charm with Jin, he can't resist. They are alone here in their house because his parents went to Busan to meet his Uncle. And VV, his Vv, had been clingy and he almost lose control when they make out in their couch. He doesn't know until when he can resist the temptation.

They are in the middle of watching the movie when Taehyung suddenly kissed him. The kiss was soft and sweet. Taehyung's lips are so warm. Taehyung sucked his plump lips and Jin moaned. Jin parted his lips and Taehyung slipped his tongue to meet his. They massaged each other's tongues and swirling around until they need to catch their breath. He didn't know if this is the effect of the Bokbunja or Taehyung is just sexually charged tonight.

He didn't know how they ended up in his bedroom. They are kissing passionately in the middle of the bed. Taehyung held the seam of his blue Kore sweatshirt and he lifted up his upper body to help Taehyung in taking the shirt off of him completely. Taehyung pulled off his own shirt. Jin's eyes widened and his pupil became dilated as he took his eyes on Taehyung's toned chest.
Jin bent forward to kiss his neck and Taehyung moaned in excitement. He can feel his labored breathing beneath his kisses. He started to nibble and suck gently and Taehyung gripped his hair and pushed him closer to his neck. Taehyung gasped as he went towards his torso and sucked his pink nipple.
"Jin," Taehyung moaned with eyes closed, feeling delirious.
"Yes, VV what do you want?"
"I want to suck you off."

Jin who is also now on the verge of lust, laid his back on the bed and observe on how will Taehyung did his thing. Yes. This is both their first time. But they couldn't care less. He had watched many porn shows so he thinks that he knows what to do. But Taehyung, his sweet Vv, how far does he know about carnal knowledge?

Taehyung looked at him with lustful gaze, and he can see his tented hood on his sweat pants. Taehyung fiddled on his pajamas and released his throbbing erection.

"Hello, Jinconda." Taehyung chuckled, trying to ease the tension build up in the room
Taehyung wrapped his warm hand onto Jin's throbbing cock and put his lips only around his head. Teasing him. He tongued the slit, just sucking the head. His sweet VV is so naughty. Jin clutched at Taehyung's hair, thrusting into the wet hot mouth surrounding his cock. Jin never imagined that his big mouth can be more useful to him. To his surprise, Taehyung leaned forward and run his tongue along the length of his shaft, swallow him whole. Taehyung bobs his head, setting the pace that drive Jin crazy. He opened his eyes and sees Taehyung looking back at him as his cock appears and disappears from his mouth. Taehyung's gripped hard onto his thighs as he works faster.

"Baby, I'm close. Don't stop" Jin moaned and was about to tug Taehyung up but Taehyung held his hand and continue to suck. He felt Jin shuddered as hot liquid trickled down his throat. He swallowed all his cum as if it's the sweetest magic potion he had ever tasted.

Jin changed their positions and he is now top of Taehyung.
"Jin wreck me, make me feel good." Taehyung begged Jin as his erection is now making him insane.
"Don't worry baby, I got you."
Jin removed his sweatpants and his cock is already leaking with precum.
"I want to taste you too."

Jin leaned forward and wrapped his lips around the cock head. Jin sucked Taehyung and his grip tightened slightly. Jin is also good at giving head.
"Jin, I'm close, make me cum."
"Not yet baby."
Jin reached out for the bedside table and get a small bottle with purple liquid inside.
"what's that?"
"I made this especially for this moment. I didn't realize that I would use it sooner than expected."
Jin puts a liberal amount of the liquid on his hand. It smells like grapes.
"I call this Vigor. Much better than lube. This is my recipe."
"Okay. Explain later. Cock inside me please."
"Easy tiger. I'll prep you first." Jin kissed Taehyung again as he slowly inserted one digit onto Taehyung's hole.
"Ahh Jin"
"Sorry Vv, this might take awhile."
"No, this feels good. Its painful but I can tolerate, another one please."
Jin inserted the second digit slowly making scissoring movements to let him open.
"Jin, I want to feel you inside me now."

Jin positioned himself between Taehyung's legs and put another V concoction on his hand and on his cock.
"Can you feel the Vigor on you? Feels great right?"
Taehyung spread his legs. Jin lowered himself as he entered taehyung's hole. Taehyung moaned loudly as Jin moved his hips back and then forward again, waiting for Taehyung to adjust.
"Fuck Jin, faster and harder please."
"Your wish is my command."
Jin pounded him harder as his own orgasm hitched again. He grabbed Taehyung's cock and stroke him fast in time with his thrusts.
Taehyung lost himself as he is howling out in pleasure as his orgasm is near. They both came and he filled Taehyung's hole with his cum. Taehyung spurts his cum onto his abdomen. Jin collapses onto the pillow. Then he lay on Taehyung's side and pulled him closer to his chest. Taehyung peppered his face with little kisses as they relax from the heightened pleasure.
"I love you." Taehyung whispered to Jin as his eyes close,
"I love you more." Jin answered as he gave Taehyung a gentle kiss before going asleep.

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