Chapter 6 (Part Three)

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Taehyung went to Daegu to pursue his college degree in Engineering. Even as a kid, he really loves cars. So he enrolled in Daegu School of Engineering. At first he was really excited because he loves Math and Physics. But somewhere between, he felt empty. He just can't figure out what was the reason.

It was Friday afternoon when he went home from school. He saw his father talking to a man while they are chatting happily in the veranda.

"Taehyung-ah, come here. I would like you to meet my friend, Bang Shi hyuk. Shi Hyuk, this is my only son, Taehyung."

Taehyung bowed before them and Shi hyuk hugged him and ruffled his hair.

"Oh, this is Taehyungie, the little kid who runs on the lawn with only his diapers on. You've grown up such a fine man. So what's up with this young man?"

"Mr. Bang, I'm still in College taking up engineering."

"And with a physique like yours, why didn't you join the police force just like your father? I'm a detective you know, Sherlock things, I'm quite good with that. You wanna join?" Shi Hyuk teased him.

"You know that I quit being a cop. It's quite dangerous. That's why I only ventured to business. Now, you're asking Taehyung to join. That's conflict of interest Bang." His father shakes his head and smiles.

"Mr. Bang, can I talk to you for a minute? I just want to ask something." Taehyung's eyes sparked with hope.

"What is it son? Do you wanna join us? I will promise to give you pure adventures." Bang laughs as he tried his best to convince Taehyung.

"Mr. Bang, I know we just met today, but is it alright to ask you to find for a certain person? He had been missing for a year. Here's his photo." Taehyung pulled out his phone and showed him photos of Jin.

"He is Kim Seokjin. He is my friend. No matter what I do, but still I can't find him. All of his friends tell me that I should just forget him. But I can feel that there is something more to that. I hope you can help me. Please Ahjussi." The tears from his eyes started to flow like a river.

"Of course. You're the son of my friend. I'll help you with that. Here's my number. Save it and text me. Are you free tomorrow afternoon? Let's meet at my favorite noodle shop and discuss everything there. Bring everything that will help with the process. Don't worry, we'll find him."

Taehyung wiped his tears and bowed to Mr. Bang.

"Thank you Ahjussi, for now I won't be able to pay for your services but I owe you a lot. I promise to pay you once I have the means." Taehyung smiled at him. His world lightens up with hope. He will find Jin. He is very optimistic.

"Don't worry about that son. But the offer still stands. I think you can be a great cop if you wanted to. I can feel it on you." Mr. Bang winked and smiled

"I'll think about it, Ahjussi." Taehyung answered which makes Mr. Bang to look at him and gaped.

"The last person I heard who answered me like that is your father. You won't regret it."


Taehyung arrived at the noodle house and he saw Mr. Bang talking with a woman. Maybe she is the owner. He walked immediately towards them and bowed.

"Oh, Taehyungie, this is Yoonjoo, she is the owner of this shop. She makes the best Jjajangmyeon in the world. Yoonjoo, this is Taehyung, the son of Namseok."

"Oh, you're his son. No wonder you are handsome too. You look like your father." Yoonjoo hugged him much to his surprise.

"Thank you Ahjumma." Taehyung blushed with the compliment.

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