Chapter 2 (Part Three)

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But there are some things that happen which are beyond your control....


Jin felt as if the world stopped. His uncle called him that his parents suffered from a car accident in Busan. And they are both dead. He feels devastated. He doesn't know what to do.

The bigger reason is that it is not an "accident". It was fabricated to look like an accident. According to his uncle, his father, Kim Sun-Ho, was indebted to a hefty sum of money to a loan shark. This loan shark has many connections with gangsters and they planned on how to get rid of him.

One day, he received a phone call from an unknown number.

Jin: Hello.

0947****: is this the son of Sunho?

Jin: Yes. Why?

0947****: if you still want to see your Uncle and cousin alive, meet me at the Seoul Train Station tomorrow 8PM. The call ended.

Things might be clear soon. Jin hoped so.


Jin went to the train station earlier than their expected schedule. He scanned the faces of the men who passed by but there are no suspicious looking gangsters.

He still thinks what went wrong? Only recently that he come to know about his father's debts. They lived a simple life. They don't need a luxurious life style. And if it's true, where did his father used the money? Many thoughts had been wandering on his head when a tall man, wearing a black suit and tie, and a shorter man, wearing a black jacket, approached him. Is this man an actor?

"Are you Kim Seokjin?" the taller man asked him.

"Yes. Who are you?"

"I'm Park Seo Joon. I am the one who called you yesterday."

Jin was dumbfounded. He remained speechless. So this guy is the gangster? Suddenly, he wanted to run away.

"Don't try to escape from us. We have many people out there and one wrong move, you're dead. Just follow us to the car and we'll leave here."

Jin followed them. His mind went blank. He just prayed for his safety.

He rode to the car and they went inside a small house.

"Probably, you were wondering why are you here and what we need from you."

"You killed my parents."

"No. it was an accident. Your father speeds up and collided with a bus. It was his fault, not ours."

"How much my father owed you in order for you to kill him?"

"5 billion won."

"No. maybe you are wrong. It is not my father."

"You think your father is an angel? He is one of the VIPs in my casino in Itaewon. He lost a huge amount of money in gambling and was trying to escape in Busan and the accident happened."

Jin cannot believe what he heard. Surely, his father is not perfect but he cannot imagine that his father is a gambler. And his innocent mother also became a victim of this crime. He cannot accept it.

"Because you are their son, you will be the one who will pay for his debts."

"What? No!!!!"

"You have no choice Seokjin."

"And if I don't?"

"Maybe your uncle and cousin can be a good payment?"

"You are a devil!"

"FYI, it's not the first time that I have heard it. The men laughed.

"So, this is the deal. Since you cannot pay me with money right now, you will work for me. I'll pay for your schooling and after you finished your college, you will work for me. Don't try to escape. You will be under surveillance 24/7. This will be your new life."

"Get your things and you will be leaving your house and you will live with us."


Jin stood up as tears flow down his cheeks. This is the life he never wanted. He had a simple dream. He wanted to be free. He wanted to be with Taehyung. But this is his fate.

Taehyung is now here again, but he needs to protect him. Taehyung doesn't deserve to be in the dark.

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