Chapter 5 (Part Two)

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Jin searched Club Baepsae in the web and he saw the advertisement of a “One Night Only” special show. It was dated tomorrow night and he needs to survey first before doing their mission. Namjoon is a dangerous man. He might do something harmful to Taehyung if he knew that they are together to get him.

He further scrolled to see what the club looks like and scanned the club performers. He cross searched them to find their SNS accounts. He focused on the club star performer named “Jules”. There are many photos of her and Namjoon on her SNS account. She had this alluring aura. No wonder Namjoon fell for her beauty. Maybe they need to get close to her to gather information regarding Namjoon.


Club Baepsae

Bangsar, Kuala Lumpur

October 21, 2020


Jin decided that they will work separately tonight. Taehyung will pretend to be a businessman who will make a transaction with one of the drug cartels in Malaysia. Taehyung will try to meet Jules. He believes that the girl will be a great help for them. Jin will look for Namjoon keeping a safe distance to Taehyung.

They are here in front of a simple but cozy club. The club was as busy at it would be for a Saturday. Inside, the club was packed with middle-aged men, dressed to the nines.

Taehyung made his way over the bar and took a seat, as he looked around the interior of the club. Jin said that this club is for mafias. There is a large stage in front for the performers.  The bartender asked for his order and he ordered for a scotch. He didn’t want to get drunk and go home without accomplishing his task for the night.

He’s busy with his surveillance when a waiter went to the bar and asked the bartender.

“3 Tequila sunrise, 5 Manhattan with euphoria shot, table 4”

“Comin’ right up.”

Taehyung fidgets from his seat when he heard euphoria and he observed where the waiter gave the cocktails. There is a table with five men and three women who wear skimpy dresses. They raise their glasses for a toast and drank the cocktails bottoms-up. The three girls stood up and went to the backstage. As Taehyung was about to finish his drink, a tall, slim woman came to the bar and sat beside him.

“One vodka for me please.”

“Aren’t you performing Jules?”

“I need it to calm my nerves, Amir.”

“Here’s vodka spritz for you baby girl, good luck on your performance.”

“I know I can count on you.”

Taehyung stared at the girl. So this is Namjoon’s girl, Jules. She is much prettier up close. The girl drank the alcohol straight up and suddenly, she looked at Taehyung and smiled at him.

“Hello pretty boy, you are new right? Welcome to Club Baepsae. I’m Jules.” The girl offered her hand for a shake.

“Oh, yes. I’m a tourist. By the way I’m V. I’m from Korea.” Taehyung accepted her hand.

“Nice to meet you V, though it doesn’t sound Korean to me.” Jules chuckled. “Anyway, are you alone here or are you with someone?”

“I’m alone. Just chilling.”

“If you want to chill, you must be on another bar here on Bangsar, not here. This is a place for gangsters. Try not to be involved with them, or maybe you already are.” Jules stared at him intently.

“I saw the ad and I want to have a good time.”

“Maybe I can give you one pretty boy.” Jules leaned closer and whispered “I’ll be back later. Give me a big tip if you enjoyed my performance.” The woman winked and went to the backstage.

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