Chapter 9 (Part One)

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"I will find my way to you, in the next life and every life after that."


Seoul Medical Center
November 6, 2020

Taehyung has been confined in the hospital for several days. After the explosion in Sorrento, he was rushed to the nearest hospital and was given emergency measures. When he was already stable, he was sedated and sent back to Korea. In Seoul, he had undergone surgeries for his wounds and now he is recovering. He is ready for discharge despite Mr. Bang's protests.

He remembered his face when he saw him on the air ambulance. He is almost crying and is holding his hand before he was wheeled to the operating theater. After his surgery, he is already waiting in his room with his parents. His mother cried so much while his father tapped his shoulder and said,

"I'm proud of you, Taehyungah."

Taehyung can endure all the physical pain that he feels right now, but the longingness and emptiness that he feels are driving him crazy. It was almost a week and he still can't find Jin. He also tried to call Speedy but there is no news from them.

Taehyung felt pain on his right arm so he grabbed the painkiller and water from the bedside table. He drinks and puts the glass on the table and he lies down again to sleep. He closed his eyes and was about to sleep when the door opens. Yoonjoo came back; maybe she talked to the nurses on the station.

When his thoughts had been drifted away, a sound of a glass that had been shattered on the floor, awaken his senses and he saw Yoonjoo, holding a petite lady in white scrubs, probably a nurse, and dragged away from him.

"Who are you? What are you doing here in this lee hour? His medications are not due until morning." Yoonjoo said to the nurse.

"Ahjumma, what's happening?" Taehyung asked, still confused.

"I've been out for just five minutes to go to the nurses' station because I wanted to ask something with the nurses on duty. Your medicines are due in the morning so I never expected a nurse to enter your room. Then I saw her. She even grabbed your phone."

"Who are you? Who sent you?" Taehyung asked the nurse.

The nurse who is now crying gave the phone back and kneeled before them.

"I'm Anna Park. I'm Park Jinhyuk's wife. I know you can help me find him. I saw him on your wallpaper." The nurse confessed.

All the drowsiness that Taehyung felt earlier fades away and he is now fully awaken. Yoonjoo helped the girl to stand up and dragged a chair near Taehyung's bed and let her sit and talk everything she knew.

"So you're telling us that you are his wife. Are you willing to tell everything to us? Do you know that he is under surveillance because of his involvement with a gang?" Taehyung asked her.

"I will tell you everything I know, officer." Anna wiped her tears and started to confess.

"Jinhyuk and I got married at an early age. My parents are against our marriage but still I fought for him. We are contented with our simple life. He said he wanted to open his own restaurant so he will find a way to fulfill it. Jinhyuk is a kind person, but he is very ambitious. One day, he said to me, that he will join a MMA contest. I allowed him to join because he is an MMA champion in high school so I believed that he can win and the prize at stake can help him to open even a small diner."

"After the contest, he only came home in the morning. I was surprised that he was telling me that he is leaving and he is getting all his clothes. I don't understand the situation and all I can do is cry. One week later, he sent me our divorce papers and a bank book with an account of 2 billion won. I don't know where he got the money from and why all of a sudden he wanted a divorce."

"So, I told him that I will settle with the divorce so we meet up on a coffee shop and afterwards, I followed him. He is residing on a luxurious apartment in Itaewon. And I was shocked to see him kissing with another man. I felt my world was devastated."

"So I always followed him whenever I have time and I saw him with the man on a clinic at Gangnam and I just saw him after six months. I was stunned to see him like a different person. I went to his apartment and confronted him. It was a heated discussion and he even gave me another billion won for my silence."

"Because I love him, I keep everything and I don't know what's happening. One day, my colleagues here told me that we have a VIP. I was assigned to you on your third day here after your surgery that's why you didn't recognize me. I went here to give your due medications when I saw your phone. I couldn't believe that I saw my husband on your phone and you look like a couple. Jealousy struck me so hard and I just want to make sure that he is the man on your wallpaper. I am just waiting for the right time. I didn't mean any harm Sir."

Taehyung felt sympathy with the girl. He loved his husband and his husband is now an estranged man to her. Taehyung opened his phone and scrolled to the gallery section.

"Is this your husband?" Taehyung gave her the phone.

"I think yes. But there's something odd. Jinhyuk is right handed." Anna gave the phone back to Taehyung.

"Your heart can still recognize your husband. Anna, I will help you find your husband but you need to cooperate with the police. The guy that you saw with your husband is a notorious criminal. We need your statements."

"I'm willing to tell everything I know Sir." Anna bowed to Taehyung and Yoonjoo.

A knock on the door interrupted their conversation.

"Good morning Agent V, Madam Lee, I'm sorry that we were out of our post." The junior officer scratched his head.

"That's alright. Can you please accompany Ms. Anna Park to the precinct? She will give her statements regarding our case." Taehyung said to the junior officer.

"I already called the station and they will send another two to look after Agent V. Don't worry, I'm here." Yoonjoo said and she accompanied them outside.

"How are you feeling son?" Yoonjoo asked him after sending the others out.

"A little pain on my wounds, especially here on my right arm. But I want to go home now Ahjumma."

"I think you need to take a rest for a couple of days more. But once you're discharged, I know you will start to look for him."

"I want to see him soon. I missed him so much." Tears started to roll on his cheeks and Yoonjoo wiped his tears.

"Don't you think its fate that brought you together again? Because you never surrender. You never stopped looking for him. But son, you are living in different worlds now. I know you will do the right thing. You need to turn him in. Mr. Bang will help you, you know that."

"I know Ahjumma." Taehyung nodded and held her hand.

"Oh, before I forgot," Yoonjoo said and stood up to get her bag.

"Here's your bracelet. They need to remove it before your surgery and gave it to me. It's beautiful, Tae. Did Seokjin give this to you?"

"Yes." Taehyung replied and put the bracelet on his left wrist. He wriggled his hand and the bracelet shines as if it was happy to be back to his owner again.

"Ahjumma, I was surprised with your reflexes. You can still join the work force if you want to." Taehyung teased her to lighten the mood.

"It was my adrenaline rush Taetae. I won't let anyone hurt you. Not under my wings." Yoonjoo smiled and ruffled his hair.

"I'm still your baby, right? So where is my Jjajangmyeon?"

"Oh, the baby is hungry? I'll just heat up the food in the microwave."

"Thank you Ahjumma. You're the best." Taehyung smiled at her and looked at his bracelet again.

"Jin, I will find my way to you, in the next life and every life after that."

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