Chapter 9 (Part Two)

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A loud doorbell disrupted his breakfast. He stood up and he was annoyed when he saw no one after opening the door. He was about to close the door when he saw a small box on the floor. He scanned the surroundings and pick up the parcel.

He sat on the couch still confused. He wasn’t expecting any delivery, most especially on his apartment. And the one that made his heart thumped faster.

To: Cypher

He carefully opened the parcel. His eyes widened when he saw his pictures on the bar drinking with Phantom and Dr. Seo. There were at least 10 photos inside the bar and some are taken outside in the parking lot. There are several papers inside the box, which looked like copies of a journal. He was shocked when he recognized the papers.

It was the black list.

The black market members and the people involved who had transactions with them, policians and celebrities to name a few.

Only two persons had the black list. The one is him and the other is Phantom.

“But why did Phantom send me a copy of the journal?”

His questions had been answered when he read the postcard included in the box.

“If you want to get the other copy, meet me after five days. Do not tell Phantom or else I will expose you.”

Cypher wiped the cold sweats from his forehead as he flips the postcard and he saw the N Seoul Tower and a signature beneath the tower.

From: Shadow


Jin rode his car and speeds up after sending the parcel to Cypher’s apartment. He smiled when he imagined the horror on Cypher’s face once he read the postcard.

He managed to escape the hotel room and he was trailing Phantom and his whereabouts. He entered the bar discreetly and he saw them drinking happily.

Jin was also shocked when he saw him at the bar. He gave bribe money to the waiter and asked who is inside the VIP section and he told him that the gang leader is there. Phantom, Dr. Seo and Cypher are the ones drinking inside the VIP section. He even asked the waiter to take some photos and send them to him. He left the bar and waited outside and followed Cypher until he entered his apartment.

So, this is Cypher. He never imagined that this guy is the Cypher. He had been working with Phantom for several years but it’s the first time that he saw him.

After seeing Cypher, Jin realized one thing. He would never trust anybody again.

His phone beeped and he saw the GPS tracker alarmed. He felt as if his heart stopped. Taehyung is in Seoul right now.  He followed the tracking device and he is now heading towards the parking lot of Seoul Medical Center.

His heart was clenched when he saw Taehyung walking towards a white SUV. His right arm is supported with an arm sling and he was accompanied with two men, which he assumed, are cops too. A lady helped him to ride the car and she went to the driver’s seat and started the car.

His tears fall while he trailed them. He missed Taehyung so much. It seems that he got hurt when doing the mission. He is mad with himself. He wasn’t able to protect Taehyung. If he isn’t weak, he didn’t lose him in Japan. He blamed himself for all the pain that Taehyung has been experiencing right now.

The SUV stopped in front of a noodle house. Taehyung get off the car and glanced toward his direction. He immediately turned the car on the right and left the vicinity.

“Hang in there, Vv, one last mission and we’re free.”

Taehyung get off and waited for Yoonjoo to park the car. He glanced on his left side and he saw the black car parked on the narrow street near Esmeraldo. It’s the black car that he saw from the hospital. His gut feeling is right. The person in that car is following them. But he didn’t tell Yoonjoo about it. He didn’t want her to worry. He just told her that he wanted to stay at Esmeraldo and not on his apartment.

Maybe the person also noticed him looking back so he decided to leave the area. The car turns and speeds up. He stared at the tinted window, and even though it’s just a silhouette, he can still recognize the man behind the steering wheel.

“Jin Hyung.”

Or maybe he is just hallucinating.

Taehyung entered the noodle house and went all the way inside to Esmeraldo.

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