Chapter 3 (Part One)

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“The moon reminds me of you. So beautiful. So bright. And so far away.”


October 10, 2020

Taehyung had been staring into space for what felt like a lifetime. Sejin tried to get his attention but it wasn’t until he slammed the portfolio into the center table.

“V, there are some people who requires your attention,” Sejin said as he handed him a specific file.

Taehyung browsed the file. He saw Phantom and Shadow’s files and some photos taken from different occasions. Apparently, these guys are free men. They are still under surveillance due to lack of direct evidences to investigate them further.

As he scanned the photos, he saw a picture of them smiling at each other. He doesn’t want to feel hurt. Seokjin was his. Or at least that’s what he wants to believe. He just left him waiting in vain and he waited like an idiot. He left without explanation and now he’s a public enemy. How will be able to digest these things?

“Are they an item or something?” Taehyung asked Sejin, controlling himself to ask deeper questions relating to Seokjin.

“I don’t think so. Speedy said that they are like brothers, almost twins.” Sejin replied, “or if they are, that’s for you to find out.”

“According to Speedy, Phantom needs five items to give to the Black Market leader. That’s their deal. The items are rare and scattered around the world. You need to help Shadow in retrieving these items. You need to complete your missions before going back to Korea.”

“Why not just one and bust them out?”  Taehyung asked as he pondered on the complicated mission.

“We need to save all these items from the Black market and bring them back to World Heritage Museum. The other instructions will be given by Phantom to Shadow once he landed to the area. Be careful not to blow up your mission. Earn the full trust of Shadow. Shadow won’t hesitate to kill you once he felt that you’re from the police department. We trust you V. But be ready. When you felt that you’re on grave danger, call Speedy. He’s always ready to help.”

Taehyung left Esmeraldo with a heavy heart. He is a professional. But Jin, his beloved Witch, is his dangerous mission. He knows that he needs to be vigilant in order to succeed even if his heart is at stake.

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